Thursday, 14 September 2017

Dr. Hadikusumo - Coordinator of Professional Master program in Project Management in Construction

Dr. Hadikusumo, CEM/MPM Coordinator, examined Phd student from University of Sains Malaysia (USM). The exam (viva) was chaired by the dean and examined by three professors from USM.

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Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Master's Program in Project Management in Construction

Opening MPM1 Mandalay
1st batch
Intake 2017-2018
Mandalay, Myanmar

On 01 Setember 2017, Professional Master's Program in Project Management in Construction successful organized Opening MPM 1st batch in Mandalay, were is the second-largest city and the last roylal capital of Myanmar. We was honor to receive Deputy Mayor, Mr. Ye Mon; President of Myanmar Engineering Society North Chapter, Mr. Tun Kyi; and Deputy Director of Rural Development Ministry of Construction, Mr. Wunna Zaw. 

Continuing with MPM2 in NayPyidaw, MPM4 in Yangon, MPM program strongly believes to bring the best knowledge and experience to civil engineers and experts for the infrastructuture management developing of Myanamar.

MPM1 in Mandalay, Dr. Hadikusumo, (MPM Coordinator- six from the left, 1st row), VIP Guests and MPM alumni in Myanmar

Dr. Hadikusumo and MPM Alumni in Myanmar

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