CEIM/AIT in collaboration with AITCV organized a forum "Risk Management in Construction - Challenging and Emerging Issues" in Saigon, Vietnam on 16 January 2008 at Majestic Hotel.
The FORUM was attended by 50 persons from many organizations:
- Cong Ty TNHH Tu Van Xay Dung Tan CC
- Cong Ty CP TV TK Cang - Ky Thuat Bien
- Cong Ty Co Phan Dau Tu Phat Trien Sai Gon
- Cong Ty TNHH Huy Tan
- Cty Co Phan Xay Dung and Kinh Doanh Vat Tu
- Thanh Tra So Xay Dung Tp HCM
- Tong Cong Ty Xay Dung Sai gon
- CN-Trung Tam Tu Van Dau Tu Va Thiet Ke
- Cong Ty Tu Van Thiet Ke Dau Khi
- Waseco
- Chuong Duong Construction and Investment Company
- IndoChina Land Project Management
- PV Manpower Training College
- Cong Ty Co Phan Phat Trien Nha thu Duc
- Cong Ty Kiem Dinh xay Dung Sai Gon
- Trung Tam An Toan Va MT Dau Khi (CPSE)
- Cong Ty TNHH Bat Dong San FPT
- Cong Ty Kiem Dinh Say Dung Saigon
- Ban Quan Ly Du An Khi Tay Nam Bo
- Cong Ty Co Phan Ngoc Suong
- Real Architecture
- Saigon Construction Quality control
- Saigon Construction Corporation
- PetroVietnam Power Corporation
- THUDUC House
- Project Management Unit
- Royal Haskoning
Three speakers were invited to present risk-related topics:
- Dr. BHW Hadikusumo (CEIM/AIT Faculty) on "Safety Management System for Zero Accident Target"
- Mr. Pham Hong Linh (Vice President of PV Gas) on "Risk in Vietnam Construction"
- Dr. Roland (AIT Faculty) on "Legal and Contract Risk"
The English presentation was interpreted to vietnamese language by two interpreter:
- Ms. Mai Do Thuy Dung (Purchasing Manager of IndoChina Capital)
- Mr. Bui Quang Luong (Project Management Unit Officer)
- note: both of them are currently pursuing their Professional Master in Project Management program in AITCV/Saigon.
In overall, the FORUM was very interesting. There are a lot of discussions and questions raised by FORUM participants.
We try our best to organize similar forums every three months!
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
http://www.set.ait.ac.th/ceim/" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "