Tuesday, 28 November 2017

MPM attended the 131st anniversary of Ministry of Construction, Myanmar

24-26 November 2017
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

Professional Master Program in Project Management in Construction is honored to participate in the 131st anniversary of the Ministry of Construction’s Public Works Department held at the Ministry of Construction in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.
Congratulations to MOC with great success in the development process. MPM is pleased to contribute a small part in the development of high quality human resources for this development. 

Scene of the 131st anniversary's ceremony of Ministry of Construction in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

Scene of the 131st anniversary's ceremony of Ministry of Construction in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

Scene of the 131st anniversary's ceremony of Ministry of Construction in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

Scene of the 131st anniversary's ceremony of Ministry of Construction in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

Mr. Wunna Zaw, Deputy Director of Rural Development, Ministry of Construction, Myanmar (left) and Dr. Hadilkusumo, MPM program coordinator.

MPM Booth at the ceremony

Visit us: Professional Master program in Project Management in Construction (MPM) at www.aitmpm.com

Thursday, 12 October 2017

MPM-Vietnam Reunion in Can Tho - Nov 2017

Registration here: https://goo.gl/forms/kzXmysXaWfahTxwZ2

MPM Opening and Orientation in Vietnam, intake 2017

Welcome MPM students to new intake MPM11 in HCMC and MPM10 in Hanoi, 2017.

MPM organized the opening ceremony and orientation for MPM11 in HCMC and MPM10 in Hanoi for their new school year 2017. This opportunity created an opportunity for new students, alumni and faculty to meet and share together. MPM network is more bigger and bigger with the participation of MPM alumni and students from many owners, contractors, project management and consultant companies and others, both public and private sectors.

Opening ceremony in HCMC on 21 Sep 2017

Mr. Koh, MPM current students, gave his speech in Orientation Day in Hanoi

The Project Management in Construction field of study trains professionals to play a leading role in the international construction industry. It molds students to become active leaders in the construction industry and large construction project.  
Main Features of the Program
-   One year professional AIT Master’s degree.
-   Credits can be accumulated during four years
-   Certificate course works
-    International field trip to the large construction sites in the region
-    Study language: English.
International fieldtrip to Europe, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand also makes MPM program towards international orientation with global partners in all over the world. 

Dr. Hadikusumo, CEIM-MPM Program Coordinator
 Visit us for more information at www.aitmpm.com

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Dr. Hadikusumo - Coordinator of Professional Master program in Project Management in Construction

Dr. Hadikusumo, CEM/MPM Coordinator, examined Phd student from University of Sains Malaysia (USM). The exam (viva) was chaired by the dean and examined by three professors from USM.

Visit us at www.aitmpm.com for more information about our global program.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Master's Program in Project Management in Construction

Opening MPM1 Mandalay
1st batch
Intake 2017-2018
Mandalay, Myanmar

On 01 Setember 2017, Professional Master's Program in Project Management in Construction successful organized Opening MPM 1st batch in Mandalay, were is the second-largest city and the last roylal capital of Myanmar. We was honor to receive Deputy Mayor, Mr. Ye Mon; President of Myanmar Engineering Society North Chapter, Mr. Tun Kyi; and Deputy Director of Rural Development Ministry of Construction, Mr. Wunna Zaw. 

Continuing with MPM2 in NayPyidaw, MPM4 in Yangon, MPM program strongly believes to bring the best knowledge and experience to civil engineers and experts for the infrastructuture management developing of Myanamar.

MPM1 in Mandalay, Dr. Hadikusumo, (MPM Coordinator- six from the left, 1st row), VIP Guests and MPM alumni in Myanmar

Dr. Hadikusumo and MPM Alumni in Myanmar

Visit us at www.aitmpm.com for more information.