The National Statistical Office has collected data on permitted area both new construction, and addition or alteration since 1966. The data use for calculating the National Account, Real estate Indicators and for policy maker on economics and social development plan.
Data presented are the permitted construction area by municipal areas and Sub–District administrative organization with in building control regulation under the Construction Control Act : B.E. 2522 in 1Q12 of the nation. The main findings are follows as;
1. Number of permitted and construction area
In 1Q12, the total permitted number of new construction building and addition or alteration were 43,432 persons, composed of 38,611 persons of construction building and 4,821 persons of civil engineering construction.
1.1 Construction building
The permitted of construction building with the floor area of about 15.8 million square meters, most of them (98.0%) were new construction and those of addition or alteration were 2.0%.
Comparing to the 4Q11, the permitted number of new construction increased by 17.0% and floor area increased by 12.8%. If compare to the 1Q11, the permitted number decreased by 6.1% and floor area decreased by 7.0%.
1.2 Civil engineering construction
For the civil engineering construction, the permitted number of about 4,821 persons, most of them (99.4%) were new construction and 0.6% was addition or alteration. In term of floor area such as the Car Park, Sport Ground, Petrol Station, Advertising Board, Swimming Pool, etc., there were totally 367,490 square meters. In term of the length of civil engineering construction such as Water-Drain, Road, Fence/Wall, Bridge, Dam etc., there were totally 445,424 meters.
Compared with 4Q11, the permitted number increased 14.1%. The floor area and the length of the construction decreased by 16.4% and 13.4% respectively.
Compared to the 1Q11 it was found that the permitted number of construction increase about
6.2% and floor area increase 28.0%. But the length of construction decreased by 27.9%
2. Type of construction building
2.1 The construction building
The Residential Buildings floor area of permitted were 10.3 million square meters (65.0%). Followed by Commercial and Office Building were 2.5 million square meters (15.8%).
The Industrial and Factory Building were 1.8 million square meters (11.6%). For Hotel Buildings
about 0.3 million square meters (1.9%). Education and Health Building were 189,698 square meters.
The overall permitted construction floor area (15.8 million square meters) increased of 12.8% from 4Q11, especially the Industrial and Factory Building increased by 133.3 %. The Commercial and Office Building increased of 37.1%. The Construction area for Residential Buildings increased about 12.1%. But the Hotel
Building decreased 74.4%, Education and Health Building decrease about 3.1%. from 4Q11.
Compared to the 1Q11 it was found that the permitted of construction floor area about 17.0
million square meters or decreased by 7.0%.
2.2 The civil engineering construction
For the civil engineering construction, the Water Drain construction was permitted about 253,248 meters (56.9%), there were 106,599 meters (23.9%) of Fence/Wall and about 76,598 meters (17.2%) of Road.
The total length (meters) of civil engineering construction permitted were 445,424 meters, decreased 13.4% from 4Q11, and decreased 27.9 % from 1Q11.
The floor area of civil engineering construction in term of the floor area such as Car Park was permitted 218,766 square meters (59.5%), Petrol Station was 29,420 square meters (8.0%).
Advertising Board was 14,946 square meters (4.1%), And Sport Ground was 17,359 square meters
(4.7%). Compared to the 4Q11, the overall permitted construction floor area was 367,490 square meters, decreased by 16.4% but 28.0% increased from 1Q11.
Source :. National Statistical Office Thailand