The primary objectives of any construction projects are to complete the project within the limited period of time, to meet the determined quality based on the standard and specifications, and to keep the project cost under the estimated budget. The concept and practice of project time and cost management in construction industry have been used in recent years in Viet Nam, since at that time, the country had the open-door policy to lure the investment from FDI projects.
It has been proven that, in construction industry especially in water supply pipeline construction, time and cost management played an important role among several construction project management activities. The efficiency of time and cost management can result in the success or failure of construction projects. Hence, it is considered that there is the necessity to develop the model for effective project time and costs management in water supply pipeline construction in Dong Nai province.
Mr. Tran Minh Tung made a case study which objectives are to (1) find out critical factors affecting the project time and cost in water supply pipeline construction project and analyzing the relationship of these factors and thereby enhance understanding of construction delays and cost overruns; (2) develop a generic model based on the factors identified using system dynamic approach; and (3) formulate implementable policies that may aims to reducing project time and costs in water supply pipeline construction project in Dongnai Province, Viet Nam.
He found out that the problem of time delays and cost overrun in the construction industry is a global phenomenon. Project delay and cost overrun have frequently happened in most of construction project and water supply pipeline construction project is not exception. Below are his conclusions and discussions:
1. The critical factors and their interrelationship
By using exploratory research, he found out that there are several critical factors affecting the project cost and time in implementing a water supply pipeline construction project. Project cost and project time completion are significantly influenced by factors in six aspects such as:
a. Labor - by hiring the seasonal laborers, the labor cost can be reduced but the quality and labor productivity will also be affected. However, ‘training’ can enhance the workforce’s productivity; reduce rework and supervisor on site. Besides, ‘Financial difficulties of contractor’ along with ‘late monthly payment’ can negatively influence the ratio of labor turnover which causes laborers shortage.
b. Quality – from this point of view, project cost and time completion rate have related with rework that causing by ‘errors in construction pipeline’. The higher schedule pressure increases, the more ‘errors in construction’ happen. Conversely, the increase of ‘tighter in control and monitoring’ results in ‘error in construction pipeline’ reduction and therefore ‘fault in testing pipeline’ will be increased.
c. Schedule pressure - project cost and time can be influenced by the variance of ‘schedule pressure’, ‘speed up work’ and ‘work remaining’. The increase of ‘speed up’ helps reducing ‘work remaining’ which decreases the project time completion. Also, ‘coordination closely among other Department’ in Dongnai province also helps decreasing ‘the necessary time to consult among these departments’, which can reduce project delay and cost overrun.
d & e. Material and equipment - ‘accuracy material planning design’ helps delivering material on time, saving material and increasing ‘purchasing coordination’ which reduces ‘late delivery of material’. The effectiveness in ‘accuracy material planning’ has positively affected to project time completion. However, ‘late delivery of material’ can happen by the consequence of ‘late payment to suppliers’, ‘financial difficulties of contractors’. In another aspect, the result from simulator shows that ‘qualified subcontractor’ can increase quality of equipment, which reduces rework, leading to accelerate project time completion rate.
f. Safety - project cost and time have the relation with ‘labor productivity’, ‘the rate of labor turnover’, and ‘unsafe act and condition on site’. The higher schedule pressure increases, the more ‘unsafe act and condition’ happen. Conversely ‘safely construction method’ and ‘supervisory effort and monitoring’ help reducing ‘unsafe act and condition’ on site.
2. The system dynamics modeling
It is not difficult for the practitioners to capture the behavior of construction project. The dynamics model will facilitate practitioners to identify the problems related to performance gap by adjusting inputs of exogenous variables with their real scenario. It also makes possible for practitioners to find out the reasonable strategy to implement project in an effective way. Beside, in order to reach the usefulness of system dynamics model, the managers should develop the ability to understand construction project as a whole rather than simply concentrating on the detail of specific issues.
With the aim of setting up the model, the critical factors that have a potential to affect project cost and time in water supply pipeline construction project were identified and analyzed in term of their probable impact on construction process. Then, adopting by system dynamics approach, the generic system dynamics model has been formulated in this study by integrating a number of endogenous and exogenous factors to make dynamic interactions visible.
The generic performance model, when calibrated and tested with data from Nhon Trach water supply project in Dongnai Province, Vietnam, the simulated behavior (base run) of the adopted model has been replicated with the historic behavior (reference mode). This implied that the generic model dynamics performance model can be able to simulate the dynamic of project cost and time during implementing project.
3. Policies for improving
In order to considerably improve project time and cost performance in water supply pipeline construction project, five policies having the most potential were evaluated. The result showed that delay and cost overrun can be reduced by carrying out several important policies during the construction phase, including accuracy design, quality improvement; qualify subcontractors, multi-skilled training and material management.
His thesis abstract is copied and posted.
Normally, achieving the project within predetermined time, budget, and quality is the basic purpose of construction project control. Unfortunately, most water supply projects can not be completed within specified time and budget. Most projects showed massive cost and time overruns.
In general, the problem involved with project delays and cost overruns are avoidable. In an attempt to solve these problems, there are various strategies have been applied. Among them, many factors were found as the main source lead to manage time and cost in project efficiently.
This thesis analyzes factors affecting project time and costs in water supply pipeline construction in Dongnai Province, Viet Nam. The qualitative research is conducted to fulfill the objective of the research. Data collection is based on case study in water supply pipeline construction in Dongnai Province. It will be found out from this study that there are a lot of factors affecting project time and costs in water supply pipeline construction. Research objectives is the development of the model involved with the factors affecting project time and costs in water supply pipeline construction project.
In analysis, the model including the factors for reducing project time and cost in water supply pipeline construction projects will be built by using system dynamics modeling. Finally, some strategies deal with project delays and cost overruns are proposed.
This is a blog managed by Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure Management (CEIM) at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. In this blog, CEIM shares our activities in providing excellent professional project management education at Master and Doctoral levels in Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Sustainable Construction Development Framework Tourism Industry In Phu Quoc Island In Kien Giang Province Viet Nam
Kien Giang, a province at the Southwest end of Vietnam, is one of the biggest provinces in the Mekong Delta, lies next to the Gulf of Thailand, Although it is located relatively far away from the Economic Centers of Viet Nam, compared to the other provinces, it is close to ASEAN countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippine and Cambodia.
Kien Giang is a province with a large tourism potential with its location and islands compared to other provinces in the Mekong Delta. Kien Giang also has flat lands, islands, sea, mountains, forests, caves, rivers, streams, beaches, primeval forests and many other famous landscapes. Kien Giang has many places of historical interest such as Mui Nai beach, Hang Pagoda, Father and Son islet, Thach Dong (Cavern), Mac Cuu Royal Tomb, Hon Dat, U Minh Forest and especially Phu Quoc Island which are attracting to visitors from inland and abroad.
There are flights from Ho Chi Minh City to Phu Quoc and from Phu Quoc to Rach Gia. These good conditions has enable Phu Quoc develop Trade and Tourism in the short term as well as in the long term.
Ms. Pham Thi Cam Tien made a research study regarding the issues affecting construction development in Phu Quoc Island in order to propose a strategy for the future growth of tourism on the island. Her study objectives are (1) to study the current situation of Phu Quoc Island of Kien Giang Province related with sustainable development in tourism; and (2) to study sustainable construction development factors and framework which are applicable in tourism project, in particularly in Phu Quoc Island.
After conducting her survey and interview, the result of the data analyses revealed several issues related with tourism in Phu Quoc Island that affect on sustainable development. In general, Phu Quoc Island is the potential Tourism Island with many long beach as well as waterfalls along the Island. The number of tourists travelling to Phu Quoc is getting bigger and bigger, thus achieving the sustainable development in tourism. But Phu Quoc Island must follow the ecological development standard. The government as well as the investors should have policy to protect environment and nature on the Island. They should have rules and rewards for protecting the nature and environment in the sustainable development construction project.
The sustainable construction development factors and frame work which are applicable in Bai Sao and Bai Truong tourism project in Phu Quoc Island showed that Bai Truong project, is rather big project which is more concentrated on the specific environment investigation and have orientation sustainable development for the island which is divided and developed in small project following the ecological standard. The construction planning is designed into short term and long term stage and has planned to preserve the forest and coach resources.
On the other hand, Bai Sao Project also follows the sustainable development process such as investigating the environment using local material and protecting the natural atmosphere. Bai Sao is concentrated on architecture development. It tried to design ecological architecture with is familiar with nature and coach. Besides, Bai Sao project is attached special importance to the customers – tourist – with hi-end ecological leisure center.
Ms. Cam proposed some measures for improvements of Local Area Tourism Project and the Roles of the Public and Private Sectors. She suggested that a local area tourism project should be accompanied by a concept or urban design drawing which shows diagrammatically the form, layout and disposition of buildings and their relationship to open spaces and other areas. It is very important that these plans will also form the basis for a set of development control procedures relating to land use and urban design guidelines which also cover urban planning policies and measures. Nevertheless they can contain smaller action plans devoted to tourism, such as the upgrading of the waterfronts of both towns, the preservation of the historical core and creation of activity nodes in Duong Dong. As for the roles of the Public and Private Sectors, both should therefore assume collective responsibilities in realizing a quality environment for tourism on the island.
Her thesis abstract is copied and posted.
This thesis was conducted to respond the current situation of the tourism development in Phu Quoc Island – Kien Giang province where tourism is recognize as one major income generator for local people. Many interesting activities have been conducted a long to the beaches of Phu Quoc Island in order to attract tourists. The thesis was studied to identify the environmental impacts of current touris m and to provide recommendations for sustainable tourism development in Phu Quoc Island.
This thesis began with site investigation, interview with key informants. This studies issues affecting construction development in Phu Quoc Island and proposes a str ategy for the future growth of tourism on the island which followed the main objective – to study sustainable development and construction factors and framework which are applicable in tourism project, in particularly in Phu Quoc Island. In order to develop study area, the current issue of environment and developed orientation of Phu Quoc Island were conducted. Finally, the results of the analysis and collected data were include and combined to become basis system of sustainable tourism development in Phu Q uoc Island – Kien Giang province.
Kien Giang is a province with a large tourism potential with its location and islands compared to other provinces in the Mekong Delta. Kien Giang also has flat lands, islands, sea, mountains, forests, caves, rivers, streams, beaches, primeval forests and many other famous landscapes. Kien Giang has many places of historical interest such as Mui Nai beach, Hang Pagoda, Father and Son islet, Thach Dong (Cavern), Mac Cuu Royal Tomb, Hon Dat, U Minh Forest and especially Phu Quoc Island which are attracting to visitors from inland and abroad.
There are flights from Ho Chi Minh City to Phu Quoc and from Phu Quoc to Rach Gia. These good conditions has enable Phu Quoc develop Trade and Tourism in the short term as well as in the long term.
Ms. Pham Thi Cam Tien made a research study regarding the issues affecting construction development in Phu Quoc Island in order to propose a strategy for the future growth of tourism on the island. Her study objectives are (1) to study the current situation of Phu Quoc Island of Kien Giang Province related with sustainable development in tourism; and (2) to study sustainable construction development factors and framework which are applicable in tourism project, in particularly in Phu Quoc Island.
After conducting her survey and interview, the result of the data analyses revealed several issues related with tourism in Phu Quoc Island that affect on sustainable development. In general, Phu Quoc Island is the potential Tourism Island with many long beach as well as waterfalls along the Island. The number of tourists travelling to Phu Quoc is getting bigger and bigger, thus achieving the sustainable development in tourism. But Phu Quoc Island must follow the ecological development standard. The government as well as the investors should have policy to protect environment and nature on the Island. They should have rules and rewards for protecting the nature and environment in the sustainable development construction project.
The sustainable construction development factors and frame work which are applicable in Bai Sao and Bai Truong tourism project in Phu Quoc Island showed that Bai Truong project, is rather big project which is more concentrated on the specific environment investigation and have orientation sustainable development for the island which is divided and developed in small project following the ecological standard. The construction planning is designed into short term and long term stage and has planned to preserve the forest and coach resources.
On the other hand, Bai Sao Project also follows the sustainable development process such as investigating the environment using local material and protecting the natural atmosphere. Bai Sao is concentrated on architecture development. It tried to design ecological architecture with is familiar with nature and coach. Besides, Bai Sao project is attached special importance to the customers – tourist – with hi-end ecological leisure center.
Ms. Cam proposed some measures for improvements of Local Area Tourism Project and the Roles of the Public and Private Sectors. She suggested that a local area tourism project should be accompanied by a concept or urban design drawing which shows diagrammatically the form, layout and disposition of buildings and their relationship to open spaces and other areas. It is very important that these plans will also form the basis for a set of development control procedures relating to land use and urban design guidelines which also cover urban planning policies and measures. Nevertheless they can contain smaller action plans devoted to tourism, such as the upgrading of the waterfronts of both towns, the preservation of the historical core and creation of activity nodes in Duong Dong. As for the roles of the Public and Private Sectors, both should therefore assume collective responsibilities in realizing a quality environment for tourism on the island.
Her thesis abstract is copied and posted.
This thesis was conducted to respond the current situation of the tourism development in Phu Quoc Island – Kien Giang province where tourism is recognize as one major income generator for local people. Many interesting activities have been conducted a long to the beaches of Phu Quoc Island in order to attract tourists. The thesis was studied to identify the environmental impacts of current touris m and to provide recommendations for sustainable tourism development in Phu Quoc Island.
This thesis began with site investigation, interview with key informants. This studies issues affecting construction development in Phu Quoc Island and proposes a str ategy for the future growth of tourism on the island which followed the main objective – to study sustainable development and construction factors and framework which are applicable in tourism project, in particularly in Phu Quoc Island. In order to develop study area, the current issue of environment and developed orientation of Phu Quoc Island were conducted. Finally, the results of the analysis and collected data were include and combined to become basis system of sustainable tourism development in Phu Q uoc Island – Kien Giang province.
Monday, 28 September 2009
Delay Causations in Construction: A Case Study of Pipeline Projects
Delays are perhaps the most common form of construction claims or even disputes. The problem is that, the parties involved in the process could hardly identify the reason and responsibility of each one in the specific task. Delays and claims resulted from the works are not carried out precisely as the contract required. Accordingly, avoiding delays is crucially concerned not only with good practice during the planning and execution of the works but also with the proper operation of the contract machinery.
In the pipeline project, delays also occur. This delay is a serious concern for the owner and the contractor too because the owner needs the exact start-up date and the contractor looks for the effectiveness of the resources and avoiding the punishment. The preparation for the claims, if any, is appreciated.
Mr. Nguyen Anh Dao made a research study with these objectives (1) to identify delay causations in the construction of the pipeline project; (2) to explore the impact of delays on time extension and cost; and (3) to investigate the appropriate strategy to control delays and develop a guideline of information management for delays prevention and control.
Mr. Dao’s conclusions are the following:
1. The delays caused in the construction of pipeline project is the actual delays causation occur in all kind of activities, but mostly in technical and management mistakes. The most important part comes from information, documentation and staff management. The impact from details engineering and purchasing materials are mainly related from the mismanagement of this process.
2 Construction mismanagement resulted in multiple problems that can cascade throughout the work force chain, affecting the schedule and leading to damages to multiple parties, and have direct impact in the delays on time extension and cost.
3. Construction delay analysis represents a very complex task. Thus, construction schedule updating and forecasting can handle the uncertainty associated with quantifying activity delays and their impacts. In these conditions, they could be able to react and take the appropriate corrective measures to avoid and minimize delays.
Mr. Dao’s made several recommendations and guideline for delays prevention and control. These are:
1. The General Contractor (GC) needs calculate careful every parameter, every single work, schedule and estimates the total budget.
2. In EPC contract, details engineering take the key position to the success of the project from the quality, schedule to the total budget. Thus the following recommendations help: choose the excellent engineering company instead of cheapest qualified one, and review or give comments before giving the approval in the details engineering office to make sure that there’s no thing to block the engineering process.
3. The purchasing materials and equipments process is always important, but it’s the main weak point of almost Vietnamese contractor since Vietnamese law defines that the time for an international bid preparation is at least 30 days. And the schedule performance, profit or lost are mostly depend on this process.
4. In large and sophisticate project, the experience of GC is the most important reason for the success of project implementation. The strong finance, technical ability and numerous resources are all needed to well perform project.
5. The project’s success resulted from the finance ability of VSP. Using own money to buy all materials, equipment, to hide subcontractors… and will get back from oils production in future.
6. Main contractor should consider effective strategy in order to manage subcontractors effectively and efficiently. The strategies including procurement scheduling, quality control, cost, and safety will be discussed in this study.
7. The need to choose ways (or channel) to communicate between the service of subcontractors and the site management or inside contractors can help the flow of works run smoothly. And the communication process becomes easier and faster.
His thesis abstract is copied and posted.
Construction mismanagement results in multiple problems that can cascade throughout the work force chain, affecting the schedule and leading to damages to multiple parties. Although the problem may start with a single subcontractor, it can result in all contractors feeling some impact to their work.
The actual delays causation occur in all kind of activities, but mostly in technical and management mistakes. The most important part comes from information, documentation and staff management. The impact from details engineering and purchasing materials are mainly related from the mismanagement of this process.
The construction schedule updating and forecasting can handle the uncertainty associated with quantifying activity delays and their impacts. The conditions in the schedule, that they are able to react and take the appropriate corrective measures to avoid and minimize delays.
The construction firms and the contractors need to feel in the same rhythm of their project. Especially in large and sophisticate project, our desire to complete the works on time and within budget is hard to fulfill. We can only achieve this goal if we have the experience, competence staff and numerous resources, strong financial aspects, and most of all we use it reasonable.
In the pipeline project, delays also occur. This delay is a serious concern for the owner and the contractor too because the owner needs the exact start-up date and the contractor looks for the effectiveness of the resources and avoiding the punishment. The preparation for the claims, if any, is appreciated.
Mr. Nguyen Anh Dao made a research study with these objectives (1) to identify delay causations in the construction of the pipeline project; (2) to explore the impact of delays on time extension and cost; and (3) to investigate the appropriate strategy to control delays and develop a guideline of information management for delays prevention and control.
Mr. Dao’s conclusions are the following:
1. The delays caused in the construction of pipeline project is the actual delays causation occur in all kind of activities, but mostly in technical and management mistakes. The most important part comes from information, documentation and staff management. The impact from details engineering and purchasing materials are mainly related from the mismanagement of this process.
2 Construction mismanagement resulted in multiple problems that can cascade throughout the work force chain, affecting the schedule and leading to damages to multiple parties, and have direct impact in the delays on time extension and cost.
3. Construction delay analysis represents a very complex task. Thus, construction schedule updating and forecasting can handle the uncertainty associated with quantifying activity delays and their impacts. In these conditions, they could be able to react and take the appropriate corrective measures to avoid and minimize delays.
Mr. Dao’s made several recommendations and guideline for delays prevention and control. These are:
1. The General Contractor (GC) needs calculate careful every parameter, every single work, schedule and estimates the total budget.
2. In EPC contract, details engineering take the key position to the success of the project from the quality, schedule to the total budget. Thus the following recommendations help: choose the excellent engineering company instead of cheapest qualified one, and review or give comments before giving the approval in the details engineering office to make sure that there’s no thing to block the engineering process.
3. The purchasing materials and equipments process is always important, but it’s the main weak point of almost Vietnamese contractor since Vietnamese law defines that the time for an international bid preparation is at least 30 days. And the schedule performance, profit or lost are mostly depend on this process.
4. In large and sophisticate project, the experience of GC is the most important reason for the success of project implementation. The strong finance, technical ability and numerous resources are all needed to well perform project.
5. The project’s success resulted from the finance ability of VSP. Using own money to buy all materials, equipment, to hide subcontractors… and will get back from oils production in future.
6. Main contractor should consider effective strategy in order to manage subcontractors effectively and efficiently. The strategies including procurement scheduling, quality control, cost, and safety will be discussed in this study.
7. The need to choose ways (or channel) to communicate between the service of subcontractors and the site management or inside contractors can help the flow of works run smoothly. And the communication process becomes easier and faster.
His thesis abstract is copied and posted.
Construction mismanagement results in multiple problems that can cascade throughout the work force chain, affecting the schedule and leading to damages to multiple parties. Although the problem may start with a single subcontractor, it can result in all contractors feeling some impact to their work.
The actual delays causation occur in all kind of activities, but mostly in technical and management mistakes. The most important part comes from information, documentation and staff management. The impact from details engineering and purchasing materials are mainly related from the mismanagement of this process.
The construction schedule updating and forecasting can handle the uncertainty associated with quantifying activity delays and their impacts. The conditions in the schedule, that they are able to react and take the appropriate corrective measures to avoid and minimize delays.
The construction firms and the contractors need to feel in the same rhythm of their project. Especially in large and sophisticate project, our desire to complete the works on time and within budget is hard to fulfill. We can only achieve this goal if we have the experience, competence staff and numerous resources, strong financial aspects, and most of all we use it reasonable.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
A Study of the Hotel Renovation Project Management Process in Thailand
Tourism and hotel industry is the one of the major sectors that plays an important role in the economic development of every country. The tourism and hotel industry also supports the growth of other industries, provided that when the tourism and hotel industry area is developed, the business activities will increase as a whole. Thus, the satisfying performance of the tourism and hotel sector is vital key for the prosper beginning of several other parts of the economy. In Thailand, the tourism and hotel industry is a crucial component which greatly influences the economic growth. Tourism is increasing each year which is the reason why, most hotels in Thailand always renovated their hotel to keep up with the competition, to maintain or increase market share by satisfying the current or potential customers, to upgrade the hotel to a higher category, to comply with the new trends and technology and to maintain image and standard.
But hotel renovation projects are very complicated. The process consists of four fundamental interrelated factors involved therein, which are driver analyses, planning and controlling, implementation, and evaluation (Ahmed Hassanien, 2007).
Ms. Atcharaporn Suwan made a research with these set objectives (1) to investigate major problem and specific obstacles occurring in hotel renovation projects; (2) to investigate the existing practice of hotel renovation project management process from the viewpoints of hotelier, consultant and contractor; and (3) to propose the recommendation to improve the hotel renovation project management process.
According to her data analysis, most of external parties that comprise of consultant and contractors have agreed that the two main obstacles of hotel renovation project are lack of money from the owner. This is because some case studies had to set the unrealistic budget and already the budget is fixed from the owner at the first tendering process. Moreover the budget was limited since over budget from the mock up room at the first stage.
Another result of her data analysis is that most of internal party has agrees that the two main obstacles of hotel renovation project is time limitation. The hotelier would like to finish renovation work before high season period in order to gain more revenue during that time and doesn’t want to disturbed their customer. Therefore the period of renovation work was limited base on the traveling season.
Her thesis abstract is copied and posted.
Tourism and hotel industry is one major earning of Thailand’s economy, as well as, tourism satisfactions of hotel play the important role among hotel market. Increasing of tourism in each year will affected hotel industry. Therefore most of hotels in Thailand always renovated their hotel for various reasons. However, according to the nature of renovation project will often be subject to a number of diverse constraints. Some may be of a physical and dimensional nature; others are imposed by design considerations. There are various considerations that arise from the original construction. Moreover renovating the hotel and maintaining hotel activities, problems in managing the scope of renovation project and complicated hotel renovation process have been considered as well. These aspects of the hotel renovation process are not well understood and there are a small number of papers that analyze renovation behavior in Thailand.
In order to understand the hotel renovation process, therefore the objectives of this research are established to 1) investigate major problem and specific obstacles occurring in hotel renovation projects, 2) investigate the existing practice of hotel renovation project management process from the viewpoints of hotelier, consultant and contractor and 3) propose the recommendation to improve the hotel renovation project management process.
The data was collected from interview survey in three large scale hotel renovation project of the major destination of Thailand such as Bangkok and Chiangmai. The interviewee has been separated in to two group of each project. First group is internal party that comprise of hotelier, general manager and chief engineer. Second group is external party that comprise of consultant and contractor. The findings were already explained in detail and recommendations for improvement were propose in this study.
But hotel renovation projects are very complicated. The process consists of four fundamental interrelated factors involved therein, which are driver analyses, planning and controlling, implementation, and evaluation (Ahmed Hassanien, 2007).
Ms. Atcharaporn Suwan made a research with these set objectives (1) to investigate major problem and specific obstacles occurring in hotel renovation projects; (2) to investigate the existing practice of hotel renovation project management process from the viewpoints of hotelier, consultant and contractor; and (3) to propose the recommendation to improve the hotel renovation project management process.
According to her data analysis, most of external parties that comprise of consultant and contractors have agreed that the two main obstacles of hotel renovation project are lack of money from the owner. This is because some case studies had to set the unrealistic budget and already the budget is fixed from the owner at the first tendering process. Moreover the budget was limited since over budget from the mock up room at the first stage.
Another result of her data analysis is that most of internal party has agrees that the two main obstacles of hotel renovation project is time limitation. The hotelier would like to finish renovation work before high season period in order to gain more revenue during that time and doesn’t want to disturbed their customer. Therefore the period of renovation work was limited base on the traveling season.
Her thesis abstract is copied and posted.
Tourism and hotel industry is one major earning of Thailand’s economy, as well as, tourism satisfactions of hotel play the important role among hotel market. Increasing of tourism in each year will affected hotel industry. Therefore most of hotels in Thailand always renovated their hotel for various reasons. However, according to the nature of renovation project will often be subject to a number of diverse constraints. Some may be of a physical and dimensional nature; others are imposed by design considerations. There are various considerations that arise from the original construction. Moreover renovating the hotel and maintaining hotel activities, problems in managing the scope of renovation project and complicated hotel renovation process have been considered as well. These aspects of the hotel renovation process are not well understood and there are a small number of papers that analyze renovation behavior in Thailand.
In order to understand the hotel renovation process, therefore the objectives of this research are established to 1) investigate major problem and specific obstacles occurring in hotel renovation projects, 2) investigate the existing practice of hotel renovation project management process from the viewpoints of hotelier, consultant and contractor and 3) propose the recommendation to improve the hotel renovation project management process.
The data was collected from interview survey in three large scale hotel renovation project of the major destination of Thailand such as Bangkok and Chiangmai. The interviewee has been separated in to two group of each project. First group is internal party that comprise of hotelier, general manager and chief engineer. Second group is external party that comprise of consultant and contractor. The findings were already explained in detail and recommendations for improvement were propose in this study.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Owner’s Project Scope Development for Seaport Project – A Case Study of Sao Mai Ben Dinh Project in Vietnam
Project planning as a back bone of the project management places an important role in any project, especially for Seaport building area. A project is considered successful if it is finished in time, within budget and satisfied owner’s requirements. There are merely two phases of any project such as project plan and project control. The project plan plays the most important role and affect to whole project, planning require a deep study from owner, managers, specialist and many outside professors.
An owner’s inadequate project planning may cause project delay and cost over-budget as well as unpredicted risks. But what is the adequate project planning and how does the owner know on what is the right ways to make plan? Specially, Seaport building which affects very large area: economic, social, politic, etc. Project planning before building is very important.
Mr. Tran Duc Hanh made a research to develop a guideline for project owner to build up project scope to ensure the completion of projects. And to investigate owner’s project scope development to construct Sao Mai Ben Dinh port building project. His specific objectives were to (1) determine the critical project scope development that the owner should attempt in planning of whole project; and (2) investigate a case study that includes an owner’s project scope development plan to construct Sao Mai Ben Dinh port building project.
Based on his research, he proposed four general scopes of planning from owner’s point of view and applied to real case of Sao Mai Ben Dinh project. These are:
1. A general schedule for planning project from owner’s point of view is established.
2. Applying the ideal for real case of Sao Mai Ben Dinh project, at this stage a project charter is defined to determine the purposes and objectives of the owners.
3. A feasibility study is performed and then the risk plan and economic analyses are established. Based on these, a master plan of project is made.
4. An analysis on the result of the plan show that the project is well planning and project bring high advantage to owner.
His thesis abstract is copied and posted.
This research proposed a general scope for planning of seaport project, at this point of view we developed a general requirement for plan and some special characteristics of seaport development which owner should pay more attention to. A real case of seaport project, Sao Mai Ben Dinh Project, is established to present the applying of study in real. Most of the important area of seaport project scope is figured out in this research. Base on these, owner has a general view about his project and which part he should pay more attention to in order to make the project success.
An owner’s inadequate project planning may cause project delay and cost over-budget as well as unpredicted risks. But what is the adequate project planning and how does the owner know on what is the right ways to make plan? Specially, Seaport building which affects very large area: economic, social, politic, etc. Project planning before building is very important.
Mr. Tran Duc Hanh made a research to develop a guideline for project owner to build up project scope to ensure the completion of projects. And to investigate owner’s project scope development to construct Sao Mai Ben Dinh port building project. His specific objectives were to (1) determine the critical project scope development that the owner should attempt in planning of whole project; and (2) investigate a case study that includes an owner’s project scope development plan to construct Sao Mai Ben Dinh port building project.
Based on his research, he proposed four general scopes of planning from owner’s point of view and applied to real case of Sao Mai Ben Dinh project. These are:
1. A general schedule for planning project from owner’s point of view is established.
2. Applying the ideal for real case of Sao Mai Ben Dinh project, at this stage a project charter is defined to determine the purposes and objectives of the owners.
3. A feasibility study is performed and then the risk plan and economic analyses are established. Based on these, a master plan of project is made.
4. An analysis on the result of the plan show that the project is well planning and project bring high advantage to owner.
His thesis abstract is copied and posted.
This research proposed a general scope for planning of seaport project, at this point of view we developed a general requirement for plan and some special characteristics of seaport development which owner should pay more attention to. A real case of seaport project, Sao Mai Ben Dinh Project, is established to present the applying of study in real. Most of the important area of seaport project scope is figured out in this research. Base on these, owner has a general view about his project and which part he should pay more attention to in order to make the project success.
Monday, 21 September 2009
Quality Management System For Supervising Consultants For Managing Performance Of Highway Contractors In Vietnam
Construction quality is a critical factor in determining project acceptance and resultant contractual payment levels. Participants in the construction industry have become notably conscious of the role of quality as an essential means to achieve client satisfaction and gain a competitive advantage. Acceptable quality levels in construction have long been a problem to attain on time and within budget in a highly dynamic, complex, and competitive environment. With inefficient or nonexistent quality management procedures, significant expenditures of time, money, and resources are wasted on construction projects (Rounds and Chi, 1985).
Over the past several years, the construction industry has expanded very fast in Vietnam. The construction industry mainly focuses on profit. Due to intensive competition, customer’s requirements are overlooked. It is crucial to the industry to attend to quality and service ability. An example is the 2007 Can Tho bridge disaster. It is not only the responsibility of the participants but of the industry as a whole. No matter what the scope of projects, they have to take people into account because construction is for utilization by people.
Mr. Lu Dinh Vu made a case study which main objective is to develop a QMS framework for supervising consultants that can be effectively used to manage the performance of highway contractors in vietnam. In his study, he investigated the construction methods associated with quality control. The quality control framework was prepared based on the vietnamese standard and regulation. This contributes to compiling important standards and regulations directly affecting quality control in construction. In addition, his case study also analyzed the communication process of managing quality which showed the relationship and duties of the participants in the construction project. Each participant in the project has different roles, but the same objective towards construction quality.
Mr. Vu’s findings regarding the problems on implementing quality on project and its solution can be seen on the table below.
Over the past several years, the construction industry has expanded very fast in Vietnam. The construction industry mainly focuses on profit. Due to intensive competition, customer’s requirements are overlooked. It is crucial to the industry to attend to quality and service ability. An example is the 2007 Can Tho bridge disaster. It is not only the responsibility of the participants but of the industry as a whole. No matter what the scope of projects, they have to take people into account because construction is for utilization by people.
Mr. Lu Dinh Vu made a case study which main objective is to develop a QMS framework for supervising consultants that can be effectively used to manage the performance of highway contractors in vietnam. In his study, he investigated the construction methods associated with quality control. The quality control framework was prepared based on the vietnamese standard and regulation. This contributes to compiling important standards and regulations directly affecting quality control in construction. In addition, his case study also analyzed the communication process of managing quality which showed the relationship and duties of the participants in the construction project. Each participant in the project has different roles, but the same objective towards construction quality.
Mr. Vu’s findings regarding the problems on implementing quality on project and its solution can be seen on the table below.
His thesis abstract is copied and posted.
The study discusses the quality management system of the consultant supervision function as implemented in highway construction projects. This function is shown as an interconnected system that recognizes the main quality system management activities. Documents and records used in these activities are also reviewed. A model for high quality system management is defined, including supervising consultants and contractors.
The model depicts the quality management system responsibilities and roles in a scheme relating construction quality control, quality assurance, and the interface between them. The scheme can be applied to any construction domain and quality management organizational structure. The study advances the understanding of how quality management is performed and engages participants at several management levels.
The main objective of this study is to develop a quality management system framework for supervising consultants that can be effectively used to manage the performance of highway contractors in vietnam.
An exploratory approach by reviewing the available literature to develop a QMS framework for supervising consultants and test the applicability and effectiveness of this QMS framework in a real case study project. The case study project aims to answer following questions:
- Is the QMS framework applicable?
- Is the QMS framework effective?
- What are the problems and obstacles in implementing the QMS framework?
For the QMS framework to work effectively the role of the supervising consultant is very important, QMS framework must be implemented on a step by step basis, including inputàprocessàoutput.
- In case study, the major highway construction works have been presented. They are guidelines for contractors who implemented them to achieve construction quality.
- A case study has been conducted to investigate the building methods associated with quality control. The quality control framework as presented in the report was prepared based on the vietnamese standards and regulations. This contributes to compiling important standards and regulations directly affecting quality control in construction.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Corporate Social Responsibility in Real Estate Construction: A Case Study Of Preuksa Real Estate Public Company Limited
In the past, developer companies usually engaged on CSR depending on management priorities or market drivers such as laws and regulations, and stakeholders. They always make their own strategic choices regarding how they want their image to be in the market. Even though companies know how to develop CSR, they will still face problems such as when should companies be considered as being a socially responsible business, how to put CSR concept into practice, and when should CSR questions be raised, companies are not ready to answer and often lack of information and knowledge (Panapanaan, 2006).
It shows that although companies know their goal and how to promote CSR, it is still difficult to succeed on CSR effects. One of the most important things that can lead companies to fail on their business achievements is how company’s mission, vision, and strategy apply in practice level. These can cause companies to face problem on both internal and external companies caused by owner or director’s decision making.
In order to overcome these problems, Mr. Jirachai Thaewthiang made a study that focused on developing the information for Developer Company to succeed their goals on CSR. His objectives are to (1) determine how developer company succeeds in real estate construction with Corporate Social Responsibility; (2) identify mechanisms and problems faced when developer company conduct business with Corporate Social Responsibility; and (3) propose recommendations to improve the implemented Corporate Social Responsibility.
He found out that generally, the developer company’s objectives are to construct and sell projects to customers. Evidently, this type of business dealing with real estates and construction projects in Thailand is in a highly competitive market and rivalries.
Therefore, there should be some mechanisms that can ensure or, at least, promote the successful housing business. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a tool that many succeeded developer companies employ in their business conduct. Preuksa Real Estate Public Company Limited applies this concept and prospers in its business.
In Mr. Thaewthiang’s study, he discussed on how company conduct its business on CSR. Five CSR areas are mainly focused for its long term succeeds: customer, community, employee/worker, environmental and subcontractor/supplier area. However, customer area is still the major target area that company focuses for CSR involvement according to market target. Yearly budget generally allocates from yearly target sell for CSR activities. This is the main key that easily brings company conduct business on CSR. Although there is high investment, it can improve company image and value for long term succeed. Finally, there are four easy steps to improve on CSR involvement through these improvement factors: understanding, identification, development, and integration. These steps can easily understand and conduct business on CSR and also how to involve step by step.
His thesis abstract is copied and posted.
Generally, the developer company’s objectives are to construct and sell projects to customers. Evidently, this type of business dealing with real estates and construction projects in Thailand is in a highly competitive market and rivalries. Therefore, there should be some mechanisms that can ensure or, at least, promote the successful housing business. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a tool that many succeeded developer companies employ in their business conduct. Preuksa Real Estate Public Company Limited, for instance, applies this concept and prospers in its business. Accordingly, this study investigates and observes how this particular company implements its CSR in the current project site as well as in its administration.
The purpose of this study is to: 1) determine how developer company succeeds in real estate construction with CSR, 2) to identify mechanisms and problems faced when developer company conduct business with CSR, and 3) to propose recommendations to improve the implemented CSR.
The data was collected in all levels from the top to the bottom levels, which comprise everything from the mission statement to the public interaction of the selected companies by interview, observation, and documentation on how it conducts housing business using CSR. This study’s findings are discussed and analyzed in detail to propose recommendations to improve housing business on Corporate Social Responsibility.
It shows that although companies know their goal and how to promote CSR, it is still difficult to succeed on CSR effects. One of the most important things that can lead companies to fail on their business achievements is how company’s mission, vision, and strategy apply in practice level. These can cause companies to face problem on both internal and external companies caused by owner or director’s decision making.
In order to overcome these problems, Mr. Jirachai Thaewthiang made a study that focused on developing the information for Developer Company to succeed their goals on CSR. His objectives are to (1) determine how developer company succeeds in real estate construction with Corporate Social Responsibility; (2) identify mechanisms and problems faced when developer company conduct business with Corporate Social Responsibility; and (3) propose recommendations to improve the implemented Corporate Social Responsibility.
He found out that generally, the developer company’s objectives are to construct and sell projects to customers. Evidently, this type of business dealing with real estates and construction projects in Thailand is in a highly competitive market and rivalries.
Therefore, there should be some mechanisms that can ensure or, at least, promote the successful housing business. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a tool that many succeeded developer companies employ in their business conduct. Preuksa Real Estate Public Company Limited applies this concept and prospers in its business.
In Mr. Thaewthiang’s study, he discussed on how company conduct its business on CSR. Five CSR areas are mainly focused for its long term succeeds: customer, community, employee/worker, environmental and subcontractor/supplier area. However, customer area is still the major target area that company focuses for CSR involvement according to market target. Yearly budget generally allocates from yearly target sell for CSR activities. This is the main key that easily brings company conduct business on CSR. Although there is high investment, it can improve company image and value for long term succeed. Finally, there are four easy steps to improve on CSR involvement through these improvement factors: understanding, identification, development, and integration. These steps can easily understand and conduct business on CSR and also how to involve step by step.
His thesis abstract is copied and posted.
Generally, the developer company’s objectives are to construct and sell projects to customers. Evidently, this type of business dealing with real estates and construction projects in Thailand is in a highly competitive market and rivalries. Therefore, there should be some mechanisms that can ensure or, at least, promote the successful housing business. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a tool that many succeeded developer companies employ in their business conduct. Preuksa Real Estate Public Company Limited, for instance, applies this concept and prospers in its business. Accordingly, this study investigates and observes how this particular company implements its CSR in the current project site as well as in its administration.
The purpose of this study is to: 1) determine how developer company succeeds in real estate construction with CSR, 2) to identify mechanisms and problems faced when developer company conduct business with CSR, and 3) to propose recommendations to improve the implemented CSR.
The data was collected in all levels from the top to the bottom levels, which comprise everything from the mission statement to the public interaction of the selected companies by interview, observation, and documentation on how it conducts housing business using CSR. This study’s findings are discussed and analyzed in detail to propose recommendations to improve housing business on Corporate Social Responsibility.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
High-End Residential Property Project Development Process: A Case Study of High-End Residential Property Projects In Bangkok
In Thailand’s attractive cities such as Phuket, Pattaya and Samui, most high-end residential property products are developed by foreigners, large real estate companies from Bangkok and by local Thai developers who joint with foreigners for brand credit. All developers have already known this process but the key factors and particular property development process for this market is still ambiguous for local Thai developers.
It is impossible to provide the guideline for local Thai developers in order to promote their competitive potential without understanding the whole process of property development. Ms. Surangkana Trangkanont made a case study to investigate the high-end residential property project development stages to know the key factors of successful project are. Her three sub-objectives are to (1) investigate how the high-end residential property project development process is developed; (2) identify the significant keys in high-end residential property project development process; and (3) propose the high-end residential property project development process and significant keys the high-end residential property project development.
She found out that the project development process is one of the important issues for high-end residential property project. To be competent, the local investors and developers have to scrutinize on how the high-end residential real estate development project process is done. The high-end real estate project development process conducted feasibility study which is related to saleable area, source of fund and term of repayment, project cash in and out flow or project cost and revenue including project return rate. The more details of feasibility study, the more possible successful project is. The database of feasibility study derived from the developer company database or the results of marketing analysis in terms of project concept and absorption rate. If the result of feasibility studies satisfies the developer, the project concept will follow. Project master plan, project landscape, project facilities and amenities including project unit and project unit models are appeared on blueprint. The project management team is only emphasized on construction works and sale. However, the project management team becomes the most important when the project execution and control are run.
Her thesis abstract is copied and posted.
Currently, some major cities in Thailand become more attractive to prosperous people both Thais and foreigners. They want to live in there but the native developers fail to meet their needs. This is because the native developers lack of the high-end residential property project development process system. The research; therefore, firstly aims to investigate the high-end residential property project development process. Secondly, it aims to identify the significant keys in high-end residential property project development process.
Finally, the high-end residential property project development process and the significant keys of high end residential property project development are proposed. To be systematic investigation, the theoretical framework is created and become the roadmap of the research including which issues should be concerned. Next, the case study research methodology is conducted in order to comprehensive the high-end residential property project development process.
After that, five high-end residential real estate projects in Bangkok and perimeter are investigated their project development process. Each project development procedure of each project case study is compared to one another by using logic models and cross case synthesis technique in order to examine the project development process and draw the
phenomena respectively. The results of the research show the key parameters, factors and
influences of each project development procedure. Then, the high-end residential property project development process is proposed including the significant issues concerned by developer.
It is impossible to provide the guideline for local Thai developers in order to promote their competitive potential without understanding the whole process of property development. Ms. Surangkana Trangkanont made a case study to investigate the high-end residential property project development stages to know the key factors of successful project are. Her three sub-objectives are to (1) investigate how the high-end residential property project development process is developed; (2) identify the significant keys in high-end residential property project development process; and (3) propose the high-end residential property project development process and significant keys the high-end residential property project development.
She found out that the project development process is one of the important issues for high-end residential property project. To be competent, the local investors and developers have to scrutinize on how the high-end residential real estate development project process is done. The high-end real estate project development process conducted feasibility study which is related to saleable area, source of fund and term of repayment, project cash in and out flow or project cost and revenue including project return rate. The more details of feasibility study, the more possible successful project is. The database of feasibility study derived from the developer company database or the results of marketing analysis in terms of project concept and absorption rate. If the result of feasibility studies satisfies the developer, the project concept will follow. Project master plan, project landscape, project facilities and amenities including project unit and project unit models are appeared on blueprint. The project management team is only emphasized on construction works and sale. However, the project management team becomes the most important when the project execution and control are run.
Her thesis abstract is copied and posted.
Currently, some major cities in Thailand become more attractive to prosperous people both Thais and foreigners. They want to live in there but the native developers fail to meet their needs. This is because the native developers lack of the high-end residential property project development process system. The research; therefore, firstly aims to investigate the high-end residential property project development process. Secondly, it aims to identify the significant keys in high-end residential property project development process.
Finally, the high-end residential property project development process and the significant keys of high end residential property project development are proposed. To be systematic investigation, the theoretical framework is created and become the roadmap of the research including which issues should be concerned. Next, the case study research methodology is conducted in order to comprehensive the high-end residential property project development process.
After that, five high-end residential real estate projects in Bangkok and perimeter are investigated their project development process. Each project development procedure of each project case study is compared to one another by using logic models and cross case synthesis technique in order to examine the project development process and draw the
phenomena respectively. The results of the research show the key parameters, factors and
influences of each project development procedure. Then, the high-end residential property project development process is proposed including the significant issues concerned by developer.
Monday, 14 September 2009
Risk Management In Offshore Platform Installation Projects: A Case Study Of Ptsc Offshore Services
The development of petroleum industry during past years has created bigger demand, bigger market on both size and scale. Vietnam is a nation with enormous oil and gas resources. These opportunities have attracted international oil and gas companies to invest in the oil and gas sector in Vietnam. Production of oil and gas is probably the most demanding aspect of offshore operation. At the end of the day, we have to deliver the project safety, smoothly and profitably. In order to improve quality, safety and commercial issue of an oil and gas project, service companies continue to investment lots of new equipment including multiple offshore support vessel, accommodation barge, heavy crane barge, anchor handling tug and towing tug vessel.
However, in term of safety, technical and commercial aspect, the oil and gas service company now is dealing with some problems in offshore platform installation activities such as heavy investment in offshore platform installation project and the need in a very careful risk management to ensure that the offshore platform installation work can be successful implemented.
Mr. Do Hong Hai made a case study to (1) identify the risk factors in the offshore platform installation project; and (2) conduct a risk management study for offshore platform installation project.
He found out that the offshore platform installation is normally performed by Contractor to ensure that the work is completed successfully before handover to first oil activities and put project into operation stage. Risk factors in offshore platform installation project are Politics, Economic, Health and Safety, Commerce, Environment, Financing, Natural Events, Contract Condition, Software. The Offshore platform installation is one of the very important stages of exploring and exploiting petroleum activities in the continental shelf with much money in total investment.
He also conducted a risk management study for the real offshore platform installation and simulate with the frame work that referred before. The Compression Module installation project in this case study utilized the systematic approach to manage the main risk. The Compression Module project had a very successfulness in risk management and met the expectation of client BP. The involvements of some stakeholders as client, contractors, and subcontractor have very good attitude in the risk management.
His thesis abstract is copied and posted.
In the Project management, risk management is a very important sector using particular method to achieve the best practices in the project of company. Risk management is a systematic approach to managing unexpected related to a threat, through a sequence of human activities including: Risk identification, Risk classification, Risk control, Risk monitor, Risk evaluation.
In the organization, there are some ways of risk dealing such as transfers the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a particular risk. Some kind of traditional risk managements are focused on risks stemming from physical or legal causes (e.g. natural disasters or fires, accidents, death and lawsuits).
The purpose of risk management is to reduce different risks. It may refer to numerous types of threats caused by environment, technology, humans, organizations and politics. On the other hand it involves all means available for humans, or in particular, for a risk management entity (person, staff, and organization).
However, in term of safety, technical and commercial aspect, the oil and gas service company now is dealing with some problems in offshore platform installation activities such as heavy investment in offshore platform installation project and the need in a very careful risk management to ensure that the offshore platform installation work can be successful implemented.
Mr. Do Hong Hai made a case study to (1) identify the risk factors in the offshore platform installation project; and (2) conduct a risk management study for offshore platform installation project.
He found out that the offshore platform installation is normally performed by Contractor to ensure that the work is completed successfully before handover to first oil activities and put project into operation stage. Risk factors in offshore platform installation project are Politics, Economic, Health and Safety, Commerce, Environment, Financing, Natural Events, Contract Condition, Software. The Offshore platform installation is one of the very important stages of exploring and exploiting petroleum activities in the continental shelf with much money in total investment.
He also conducted a risk management study for the real offshore platform installation and simulate with the frame work that referred before. The Compression Module installation project in this case study utilized the systematic approach to manage the main risk. The Compression Module project had a very successfulness in risk management and met the expectation of client BP. The involvements of some stakeholders as client, contractors, and subcontractor have very good attitude in the risk management.
His thesis abstract is copied and posted.
In the Project management, risk management is a very important sector using particular method to achieve the best practices in the project of company. Risk management is a systematic approach to managing unexpected related to a threat, through a sequence of human activities including: Risk identification, Risk classification, Risk control, Risk monitor, Risk evaluation.
In the organization, there are some ways of risk dealing such as transfers the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a particular risk. Some kind of traditional risk managements are focused on risks stemming from physical or legal causes (e.g. natural disasters or fires, accidents, death and lawsuits).
The purpose of risk management is to reduce different risks. It may refer to numerous types of threats caused by environment, technology, humans, organizations and politics. On the other hand it involves all means available for humans, or in particular, for a risk management entity (person, staff, and organization).
Friday, 11 September 2009
Factors Affecting Project Delivery Time Delays And Cost Overruns Of Project Development At The Royal Irrigation Department Of Thailand
In Thailand, water management is considered as one of the major problems. To solve these problems, the Royal Irrigation Department (RID) under the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC) was created. The Royal Irrigation Department construction projects are government projects that provide water resources to the community in Thailand.
Mr. Rathsayam Tiyarathtagarn made a case study to identify the problems related with project time delays and cost overrun in irrigation projects and also to develop a framework for managing irrigation project effectively. His three sub-objectives are (1) to investigate the project life cycle of irrigation project development; (2) to identify specific factors causing time delay and cost overruns for irrigation project development; and (3) to propose recommendations for effective managing the delivery time and cost in the process of irrigation project development.
Mr. Tiyarathtagarn found out that the major factors affecting RID’s project delivery time delays and cost overruns are project approval, land acquisition and asset compensation, design change and change order, increasing of material prices, failure to timely site access and poor planning and management.
His thesis abstract is copied and posted.
It is very important for public projects to be completed on time and within budgets. Normally, achieving the project within predetermined time, budget, and quality is the basic purpose of construction project control. Unfortunately, many construction projects at the Royal Irrigation Department can not be delivery within specified time and budget. Many projects show massive cost and time overruns. In cases, the government had to increase project time and cost. In general, the problem involved with project delays and cost overruns are avoidable. In an attempt to solve these problems, there are various strategies have been applied. Among them, many factors were found as the main source lead to manage time and cost in project efficiently.
This study wants to find out the factors causing project delivery time delays and cost overruns of project development at the Royal Irrigation Department construction project.
In order to understand the irrigation construction process, therefore the objectives of this research are established to 1) investigate the project life cycle of irrigation project development, 2) identify specific factors causing time delay and cost overruns for irrigation project development, 3) propose recommendations for effective managing the delivery time and cost in the process of irrigation project development.
The data was collected from interview survey by case study in three large scale projects of RID; PASAK, KAWNOI and NAMKUMN Project. The interviewee has been conducted in the viewpoint only of Royal Irrigation Department. The findings found that the factors pertinent the executive’s role or project sponsor in the conceptual and planning phase and factors pertinent project manager in planning, construction and closing phase. The recommend are the executive’s role need to more attention during conceptual and planning phase and work closely with project manager during construction phase. The project manager should more consider in detail work by using Work Breakdown Structure during planning phase. More controlling and monitoring in construction phase are very important. Every problems, obstacle and lesson learn during construction must be present by project manager in term of summary reports or seminars need to be conducted after project had closed.
Mr. Rathsayam Tiyarathtagarn made a case study to identify the problems related with project time delays and cost overrun in irrigation projects and also to develop a framework for managing irrigation project effectively. His three sub-objectives are (1) to investigate the project life cycle of irrigation project development; (2) to identify specific factors causing time delay and cost overruns for irrigation project development; and (3) to propose recommendations for effective managing the delivery time and cost in the process of irrigation project development.
Mr. Tiyarathtagarn found out that the major factors affecting RID’s project delivery time delays and cost overruns are project approval, land acquisition and asset compensation, design change and change order, increasing of material prices, failure to timely site access and poor planning and management.
His thesis abstract is copied and posted.
It is very important for public projects to be completed on time and within budgets. Normally, achieving the project within predetermined time, budget, and quality is the basic purpose of construction project control. Unfortunately, many construction projects at the Royal Irrigation Department can not be delivery within specified time and budget. Many projects show massive cost and time overruns. In cases, the government had to increase project time and cost. In general, the problem involved with project delays and cost overruns are avoidable. In an attempt to solve these problems, there are various strategies have been applied. Among them, many factors were found as the main source lead to manage time and cost in project efficiently.
This study wants to find out the factors causing project delivery time delays and cost overruns of project development at the Royal Irrigation Department construction project.
In order to understand the irrigation construction process, therefore the objectives of this research are established to 1) investigate the project life cycle of irrigation project development, 2) identify specific factors causing time delay and cost overruns for irrigation project development, 3) propose recommendations for effective managing the delivery time and cost in the process of irrigation project development.
The data was collected from interview survey by case study in three large scale projects of RID; PASAK, KAWNOI and NAMKUMN Project. The interviewee has been conducted in the viewpoint only of Royal Irrigation Department. The findings found that the factors pertinent the executive’s role or project sponsor in the conceptual and planning phase and factors pertinent project manager in planning, construction and closing phase. The recommend are the executive’s role need to more attention during conceptual and planning phase and work closely with project manager during construction phase. The project manager should more consider in detail work by using Work Breakdown Structure during planning phase. More controlling and monitoring in construction phase are very important. Every problems, obstacle and lesson learn during construction must be present by project manager in term of summary reports or seminars need to be conducted after project had closed.
Thursday, 10 September 2009
A Study of Project Management Personnel and Competence Need For Infrastructure Development In Dongnai
Vietnam economy gains strength everyday. In Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, many infrastructures have been built since the country entered WTO. Dongnai Province is also aiming to be economically and socially developed in 2010. Thus this province focuses on the maintenance and development of the infrastructure sector in order to attract foreign investments. As a result, there have been many construction projects for building from 2000 up to this date. However, Dongnai province is now facing problem regarding slow progress and poor quality infrastructures. Therefore, the development of human resources to meet the above target is needed for consideration.
Mr. Truong Vinh Hiep made a case study which primary objective is to survey and to assess adequacy human resources in public infrastructure projects. His two minor objectives are (1) to estimate adequacy project management personnel; and (2) to assess the current competency of the project management individuals, teams, and organizational.
He found out that the project management personnel need one million dollar in order to forecast the number of total construction personnel at three organizations: owner, designer, and contractor in Dongnai province in 2007. In terms of the project management competency level, the individual contractor needs to be a good example, to get the support staff, project sponsor, technical personnel, functional manager, and project manager to manage the scope, time, quality, communication, and human resource. However, the capacity of the project manager is only fair within some areas for instance the cost, risk management, and motivation their staff. Hence, these fields they need improvement in order to meet the high requirement for the projects in the future.
Another conclusion regarding the project management competency is that the individual, team, and organization in the owners and contractors of the large-scale projects are higher than small-scale projects. However there is no significant difference in the individuals, teams, and organizations in the designers between large-scale projects and small-scale projects.
In assessing the project management competence among different projects such as building, road, and water supply system projects using the Kruskal-Wallis test, Mr. Hiep found out that there is a significant difference in project management competence among these projects. This means the capacity of the individual to do their jobs on the projects; cooperation of team members or commitment to complete the project requirement in the team as well as the organization’s support for their workers to execute jobs effectively among buildings, roads, and water supply system projects have seemed difference. While the capacity and ability of the individual to do their works or the cooperation of the team members as well as the organization’s support for their workers to execute jobs effectively between the designer and contractor does seem the same.
His abstract thesis is copied and posted
The current competence assessment of the project management personnel in the construction field is necessary for Dongnai province to meet the demand of economy and sociality development to 2010 and 2015. Therefore, this study will provide the information regarding the project management personnel for infrastructure development in Dongnai province. The author observed and interviewed the project managers in the twenty construction projects within three organizations: the owner, designer, and contractor and get the following results:
In term of the project management competency between large-scale projects and small-scale projects, the Mann-Whitney test found that the individual work on the projects, the cooperation of these group members as well as the organization’s support for their worker in the large-scale projects seems to be higher than that of the small-scale projects. When we compare the project management competence among three project types: water supply system, road, and building projects from the Kruskal-Wallis test, there is a significant difference among these project types. But the post-hoc test doesn’t find significant difference in project management competence among these projects. However, when we compare the project management competency among different organizations: the owner, the designer, and the contractor from the Kruskal-Wallis test, there is a significant difference among these organizations and the post-hoc test also finds that the project management competence of the owner is higher than designer. But there isn’t any significant difference in the project management competence between the designer and the contractor.
For this study, the author assessed the current competence of the human resources in the construction field in Dongnai province. And it also provides the data for further research in the future to find the negative cause to affect the project management competence and to setting up the plans to improve these areas which the project management competence level is low as well as find the processes to manage the projects more effective.
Keywords: project management, competence, infrastructure, assessment, organization, personnel.
Mr. Truong Vinh Hiep made a case study which primary objective is to survey and to assess adequacy human resources in public infrastructure projects. His two minor objectives are (1) to estimate adequacy project management personnel; and (2) to assess the current competency of the project management individuals, teams, and organizational.
He found out that the project management personnel need one million dollar in order to forecast the number of total construction personnel at three organizations: owner, designer, and contractor in Dongnai province in 2007. In terms of the project management competency level, the individual contractor needs to be a good example, to get the support staff, project sponsor, technical personnel, functional manager, and project manager to manage the scope, time, quality, communication, and human resource. However, the capacity of the project manager is only fair within some areas for instance the cost, risk management, and motivation their staff. Hence, these fields they need improvement in order to meet the high requirement for the projects in the future.
Another conclusion regarding the project management competency is that the individual, team, and organization in the owners and contractors of the large-scale projects are higher than small-scale projects. However there is no significant difference in the individuals, teams, and organizations in the designers between large-scale projects and small-scale projects.
In assessing the project management competence among different projects such as building, road, and water supply system projects using the Kruskal-Wallis test, Mr. Hiep found out that there is a significant difference in project management competence among these projects. This means the capacity of the individual to do their jobs on the projects; cooperation of team members or commitment to complete the project requirement in the team as well as the organization’s support for their workers to execute jobs effectively among buildings, roads, and water supply system projects have seemed difference. While the capacity and ability of the individual to do their works or the cooperation of the team members as well as the organization’s support for their workers to execute jobs effectively between the designer and contractor does seem the same.
His abstract thesis is copied and posted
The current competence assessment of the project management personnel in the construction field is necessary for Dongnai province to meet the demand of economy and sociality development to 2010 and 2015. Therefore, this study will provide the information regarding the project management personnel for infrastructure development in Dongnai province. The author observed and interviewed the project managers in the twenty construction projects within three organizations: the owner, designer, and contractor and get the following results:
In term of the project management competency between large-scale projects and small-scale projects, the Mann-Whitney test found that the individual work on the projects, the cooperation of these group members as well as the organization’s support for their worker in the large-scale projects seems to be higher than that of the small-scale projects. When we compare the project management competence among three project types: water supply system, road, and building projects from the Kruskal-Wallis test, there is a significant difference among these project types. But the post-hoc test doesn’t find significant difference in project management competence among these projects. However, when we compare the project management competency among different organizations: the owner, the designer, and the contractor from the Kruskal-Wallis test, there is a significant difference among these organizations and the post-hoc test also finds that the project management competence of the owner is higher than designer. But there isn’t any significant difference in the project management competence between the designer and the contractor.
For this study, the author assessed the current competence of the human resources in the construction field in Dongnai province. And it also provides the data for further research in the future to find the negative cause to affect the project management competence and to setting up the plans to improve these areas which the project management competence level is low as well as find the processes to manage the projects more effective.
Keywords: project management, competence, infrastructure, assessment, organization, personnel.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure Management (AIT Thailand) August 2009 Intake
The Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure Management field of study accepted 16 applicants for Masters Program and 1 applicant for Ph. D. for August 2009 semester.
No - Name - Degree - Country
1. Mr.Asmat Nabi Hotaki - Master - Afghanistan
2. Mr. Hout Venghong - Master - Cambodia
3. Mr. Puoy Puthitha - Master - Cambodia
4 . Mr.Timo Juhappeka Myllynen - Special - Finland
5. Ms. Kyawt Phyu Phyu - Master - Myanmar
6. Mr. Kyaw Min Thu - Master - Myanmar
7. Mr. Pye Phyo Moung - Master - Myanmar
8. Mr. Mukesh Khadka - Master - Nepal
9. Mr.Hassan Ashraf - Master - Pakistan
10. Ms. Supatchana Pumpipat - Master - Thailand
11. Mr.Janeyut Naiyarat - Master - Thailand
12. Mr.Wattanachai Tanjedreu - Master - Thailand
13. MissPorntanat Kongsrisawat - Master - Thailand
14. Mr.Thanapon Buaklom - Master - Thailand
15. Mr.Kittawat Sukosi - Certificate to Master - Thailand
16. Ms. Mai Tuyet Vu - Master - Vietnam
17. Mr. Somjiat Sudprasert - Doctor - Thailand
No - Name - Degree - Country
1. Mr.Asmat Nabi Hotaki - Master - Afghanistan
2. Mr. Hout Venghong - Master - Cambodia
3. Mr. Puoy Puthitha - Master - Cambodia
4 . Mr.Timo Juhappeka Myllynen - Special - Finland
5. Ms. Kyawt Phyu Phyu - Master - Myanmar
6. Mr. Kyaw Min Thu - Master - Myanmar
7. Mr. Pye Phyo Moung - Master - Myanmar
8. Mr. Mukesh Khadka - Master - Nepal
9. Mr.Hassan Ashraf - Master - Pakistan
10. Ms. Supatchana Pumpipat - Master - Thailand
11. Mr.Janeyut Naiyarat - Master - Thailand
12. Mr.Wattanachai Tanjedreu - Master - Thailand
13. MissPorntanat Kongsrisawat - Master - Thailand
14. Mr.Thanapon Buaklom - Master - Thailand
15. Mr.Kittawat Sukosi - Certificate to Master - Thailand
16. Ms. Mai Tuyet Vu - Master - Vietnam
17. Mr. Somjiat Sudprasert - Doctor - Thailand
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Private Participation In Developing Transportation Infrastructure: Case Study In Ben Tre Province
Vietnam’s economy is growing fast and the transport sector must meet the need of the national economy. Improving efficiency in the transport sector investment will be essential for regional access, integrated economy and efficient freight movement to and from terminals, ports, industrial zones, and for public services. Due to financial incapability for transport infrastructure, Vietnam has had to invite overseas and domestic private sector for improving financing sources. Most transport projects have been invested by the government budget and ODA funds. These sources cannot meet the demand.
Vietnam is facing an urgent need to find new means to finance transport capital investment. Therefore, encouraging private sector participation in the transport sector is critical issues for the government. To execute these issues the government needs to learn experiences in mobilizing private sector from other countries to apply for Vietnam. Vietnam should give up monopoly in some fields and give clearer policies for private sector.
Mr. Pham Hoang Anh made a research study to find the suitable ways to increase the fund supply for development of transportation infrastructure in Vietnam. His 4 objectives are to:
1. Investigate legal environment for PPP transportation infrastructure projects;
2. Investigate the current and future gaps of funding sources in developing transportation infrastructure.
3. Propose PPP models and test the applicability of these proposed PPP models for each kind of transport infrastructure projects.
4. Propose the recommendations for the local government in applying PPP models to fill the future funding gaps for the transportation projects.
He found out that there are 8 laws and legal regulations governed for PPP transportation projects. These complexities discouraged the investors especially foreign to invest. On PPP transportation projects at provincial level, there are 7 government parties participating in the project from the primary ideas to complete project. This process runs slowly and its complexity, these make the process of implementation of PPP transportation projects spend much time.
Based on his survey, he found out that most of developers in transportation projects are state-owned enterprise construction contractors so there is deformation about kind of capital in PPP transportation projects. In the case of Ben Tre province, the capital for transportation development is mainly dependent on allocation of budget (central, provincial and district budget), in which provincial budget contributes 50% in total.
Government budget supply will meet around 37% of total financial demand for transportation development. Between public supply and real demand is a huge financial gap. The role of private sector is very necessary in this situation to fill such the financial gaps. The partnership between public and private sector, private participation will possibly contribute 16% of total necessity investment capital in case of minimum contribution of private sector, around 41% at maximum contribution and 28.5% at average value of contribution.
With minimum private participation, the total obtainment capital is around 53%, and 65.5% for the average value. It reaches 78% of total financial requirement. It means that the Transport Master Plan of Ben Tre province up to 2020 will not be able to fulfill by 2020. The utmost, only 78% of the plan will be accomplished. Therefore, the Transport Master Pan is not feasible.
His thesis abstract is copied and posted.
The wave of transportation infrastructure investment has been booming in Vietnam recent years. Meanwhile the government budget is inadequate to meet huge demand for transportation improvement. Private participation is considered as a critical solution to solve this problem, their contribution is going to be expected to share financial burden with government budget in future. Therefore, the study concentrates on main issues of Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) models in order to apply for transportation infrastructure projects and current legal system related to PPP transportation projects. Thirteen PPP transportation projects were analyzed in light of financial and legal issues. An investigation was conducted among transportation sector’s participants including officers, investors, developers, expert and bank’s staff. The case study was conducted in Ben Tre province. The future financial requirement for constructing all future transportation projects in the Transport Master Plan was determined. The PPP models for each kind of transportation projects were proposed to identify private financial contribution to fill a part of financial gap. The study suggests possible solutions to solve difficulties of the government in applying PPPs for transportation development, such as diversification of financial sources, administrative reform, and more.
Vietnam is facing an urgent need to find new means to finance transport capital investment. Therefore, encouraging private sector participation in the transport sector is critical issues for the government. To execute these issues the government needs to learn experiences in mobilizing private sector from other countries to apply for Vietnam. Vietnam should give up monopoly in some fields and give clearer policies for private sector.
Mr. Pham Hoang Anh made a research study to find the suitable ways to increase the fund supply for development of transportation infrastructure in Vietnam. His 4 objectives are to:
1. Investigate legal environment for PPP transportation infrastructure projects;
2. Investigate the current and future gaps of funding sources in developing transportation infrastructure.
3. Propose PPP models and test the applicability of these proposed PPP models for each kind of transport infrastructure projects.
4. Propose the recommendations for the local government in applying PPP models to fill the future funding gaps for the transportation projects.
He found out that there are 8 laws and legal regulations governed for PPP transportation projects. These complexities discouraged the investors especially foreign to invest. On PPP transportation projects at provincial level, there are 7 government parties participating in the project from the primary ideas to complete project. This process runs slowly and its complexity, these make the process of implementation of PPP transportation projects spend much time.
Based on his survey, he found out that most of developers in transportation projects are state-owned enterprise construction contractors so there is deformation about kind of capital in PPP transportation projects. In the case of Ben Tre province, the capital for transportation development is mainly dependent on allocation of budget (central, provincial and district budget), in which provincial budget contributes 50% in total.
Government budget supply will meet around 37% of total financial demand for transportation development. Between public supply and real demand is a huge financial gap. The role of private sector is very necessary in this situation to fill such the financial gaps. The partnership between public and private sector, private participation will possibly contribute 16% of total necessity investment capital in case of minimum contribution of private sector, around 41% at maximum contribution and 28.5% at average value of contribution.
With minimum private participation, the total obtainment capital is around 53%, and 65.5% for the average value. It reaches 78% of total financial requirement. It means that the Transport Master Plan of Ben Tre province up to 2020 will not be able to fulfill by 2020. The utmost, only 78% of the plan will be accomplished. Therefore, the Transport Master Pan is not feasible.
His thesis abstract is copied and posted.
The wave of transportation infrastructure investment has been booming in Vietnam recent years. Meanwhile the government budget is inadequate to meet huge demand for transportation improvement. Private participation is considered as a critical solution to solve this problem, their contribution is going to be expected to share financial burden with government budget in future. Therefore, the study concentrates on main issues of Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) models in order to apply for transportation infrastructure projects and current legal system related to PPP transportation projects. Thirteen PPP transportation projects were analyzed in light of financial and legal issues. An investigation was conducted among transportation sector’s participants including officers, investors, developers, expert and bank’s staff. The case study was conducted in Ben Tre province. The future financial requirement for constructing all future transportation projects in the Transport Master Plan was determined. The PPP models for each kind of transportation projects were proposed to identify private financial contribution to fill a part of financial gap. The study suggests possible solutions to solve difficulties of the government in applying PPPs for transportation development, such as diversification of financial sources, administrative reform, and more.
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