Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam, Associate Professor, CEIM-SET and around 40 Ph. D. and Master Students attended this event.

Prof. Peter Barrett and Dr. Chotchai Charoenngam after the lecture.

Group photo : Prof. Barrett and Dr. Chotchai (center) together with CEIM staff, Ph. D. and M. S. students
About the Speaker
Peter is President of the UN-established International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) involving 2000 experts in 60 countries. He is a past Director of Salford’s top rated, 6* Research Institute for the Built and Human Environment and is currently Chairman of the £5M EPSRC funded, Salford Centre for Research and Innovation. From 2001 - 2008 Professor Barrett was Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research with overall responsibility for all research across Salford University, which in this period grew from involving 38% to 60% of academic staff. See Research and Graduate College,Peter is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and in 1989 was the first Chartered Building Surveyor to gain a PhD. He has since supervised and supported a wide range of Post Graduate students. To date he has produced over one hundred and seventy single volume publications, refereed papers and reports, and has made over one hundred and ten presentations in around sixteen countries. Professor Barrett has undertaken a wide range of research, typified by a management focus around real world problems using a range of hard and soft research methods. He is currently focusing on the theme of Revaluing Construction with a particular interest in the links between Senses, Brain and Spaces.
About the Speaker
Peter is President of the UN-established International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) involving 2000 experts in 60 countries. He is a past Director of Salford’s top rated, 6* Research Institute for the Built and Human Environment and is currently Chairman of the £5M EPSRC funded, Salford Centre for Research and Innovation. From 2001 - 2008 Professor Barrett was Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research with overall responsibility for all research across Salford University, which in this period grew from involving 38% to 60% of academic staff. See Research and Graduate College,Peter is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and in 1989 was the first Chartered Building Surveyor to gain a PhD. He has since supervised and supported a wide range of Post Graduate students. To date he has produced over one hundred and seventy single volume publications, refereed papers and reports, and has made over one hundred and ten presentations in around sixteen countries. Professor Barrett has undertaken a wide range of research, typified by a management focus around real world problems using a range of hard and soft research methods. He is currently focusing on the theme of Revaluing Construction with a particular interest in the links between Senses, Brain and Spaces.
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