This is a blog managed by Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure Management (CEIM) at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. In this blog, CEIM shares our activities in providing excellent professional project management education at Master and Doctoral levels in Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam.
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Professional Master in Project Management Specialized in Construction Graduates (December 2008)
No. : ID Number : Name : Field
1 . 106549 : Mr. Bui Van Bao , MPM-HCM
2 . 106550 : Mr. Lu Dinh Vu , MPM-HCM
3 . 106551 : Mr. Nguyen Dang Thong Nhat , MPM-HCM
4 . 106552 : Mr. Chu Bien Cuong , MPM-HCM
5 . 106553 : Mr. Nguyen Le Hoai Tam , MPM-HCM
6 . 106554 : Ms. Mai Do Thuy Dung , MPM-HCM
7 . 106709 : Mr. Mai Phong Phu , MPM-HCM
8 . 106970 : Mr. Vo Hoang Phuong , MPM-HCM
9 . 106634 : Mr. Bui Quang Luong , MPM-HCM
10 . 106584 : Mr. Ngo Duc Binh , MPM-VT
11 . 106585 : Mr. Nguyen Khoa , MPM-VT
12 . 106586 : Mr. Nguyen Anh Dao , MPM-VT
13 . 106587 : Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh , MPM-VT
14 . 106588 : Mr. Nguyen Tan Hoang , MPM-VT
15 . 106589 : Mr. Nguyen Van Thang , MPM-VT
16 . 106590 : Mr. Tran Duc Hanh , MPM-VT
17 . 106593 : Mr. Dao Manh Tuong , MPM-VT
18 . 106594 : Mr. Le Viet Hoai , MPM-VT
19 . 106595 : Mr. Dang Huu Trinh , MPM-VT
20 . 106596 : Mr. Nguyen Quang Hung , MPM-VT
21 . 106597 : Mr. Do Hong Hai , MPM-VT
22 . 106598 : Mr. Phan Minh Nhut , MPM-VT
23 . 106599 : Mr. Dang The Phuong , MPM-VT
24 . 106600 : Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung , MPM-VT
25 . 106601 : Mr. Vu Van Dao , MPM-VT
26 . 106559 : Mr. Nguyen Quoc Hanh , MPM-VT
27 . 106583 : Mr. Dang Dinh Lam , MPM-VT
28 . 106591 : Mr. Nguyen Hoang Loc , MPM-VT
29 . 106625 : Mr. Khuong Minh Dat , MPM-VT
30 . 106592 : Mr. Nguyen Van Diep , MPM-VT
31 . 106582 : Mr. Pham Van Tuan , MPM-VT
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Riza Yosia Join Jones LangSalle Indonesia
Mr. Riza Yosia who studied PETRAIT program is now working in Indonesia as Project Manager of Jones Lang Salle (an International and Global Property Consultant and development). Before he takes this new position, he was the Sustainable Construction Manager of Bovis LendLease Thailand. During his study at AIT, Mr. Riza and his supervisor (Dr. Hadikusumo) published one journal article "Emotional Intelligence in Project Management" (see attached file) in Journal of Management in Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineer (ASCE).
Good Luck Riza!
Professional Master in Project Management Students from Vietnam came to AIT for one month Intership
During the internship, the professional master students took three courses on applied project managements, preparing their project report. The three courses are
(i) applied project management in industrial complex which was taught by Mr. Burin K (Country Manager of Bovis Lendlease Thailand)
(ii) Applied Project Management in Oil and Gas Pipeline which was taught by Mr. Michael Sypsomos (Project Director of Chevron Thailand)
(iii) Applied Project Management in Oil Refinery Project which was taught by Mr. Chalermchai U. (Project Director of Bangchak Oil Refinery).
Project Director of Chevron lectured at AIT CEIM
Mr Mike Sypsomos, Project Director of Chevron Thailand gave a 15 hours lecture at AIT CEIM on "Applied Project Management in Oil and Gas Projects" on May 2008.
Day 1-
9:00 to 11:30am – Project description, definition, WBS, PEP, exercise and discussion
11:30am to 12:15pm – extended break for lunch
12:15pm to 4:00pm – Project Controls (Schedule & cost management, resources, estimate, progress, EV), exercise and discussion of Lessons Learned
Day 2-
9:00 to 11:30am – Risk Management (plan and implementation), Contract/ Procurement management and exercise
11:30am to 12:15pm – extended break for lunch
12:15pm to 4:00pm – PMI Project of the Year – Lessons Learned from a “world class” project & exercise. FEL, Project Audit and PM Maturity Model, Team Building, Coaching and other VIPs and best practices
Saturday, 15 March 2008
CEIM join AIT Team to Afghanistan 8-15 March 2008

Dear All
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo joined AIT Team to Afghanistan. The mission of this business trip was to assess the Departments of Balkh University including the Department of Construction.
We arrived in Kabul on Sunday 9 march and continued 7 hours surface travel to Mazara-e Sharif where Balkh University is located.
During the assessment, we really appreciate the cooperativeness of Balkh University's faculty members who really shared to us their actual situation. AIT will assist them to develop a modern curriculum and lab equipment and help the faculty members to implement the curriculum.
Bad and Good news. On our way back to Bangkok, Dr. Hadi and Dr. Guha (from computer science) went to Kabul Airport on Thursday morning 13 March. The Bad news is just before we arrived at the airport, the airport car park was blasted by suicide car bombing. The good news is i can still write this blogspot which means that we were very lucky that we came quite late to the airport because we enjoyed breakfast and chatting at the hotel and waiting the check-out process. Afghan newspaper reported that 8 people were killed during the massive bombing. This bombing happened just one day after the US Military stated that Afghan government controls only 30% of the territory.
Detail of the news can be read from
By the way, Afghanistan is a very beautiful country with high mountain and snow. From Kabul to Mazar-e Sharif, we passed SALANG, a very beautiful landscape.
I upload the photos for you ....
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Allan Tannaya works at Consultant Dispute Resolution in California
I received an email from Mr. Allan Tanaya as below. He is one of our alumni joining PETRAIT (Petra Surabaya Indonesia and AIT) program. He graduated in May 2007, then he went to USA.
Dear Dr. Hadi,
I hope you are doing very well. Currently, I am in Carlsbad, CA, USA, working for CDR Consultants as a Project Consultant, which responsible to perform support work for construction dispute claims analysis, construction project execution, CPM scheduling, and Construction project execution.
CDR company provides an array of project management and construction management consulting services with four operating divisions, Project Risk Management, Construction Dispute Resolution, Management Consulting, and Training and Education.
If you need more detail regarding this company, you can go to their website
Have a great day
Allan Tannaya.
I wish you successfull with your career in the US.
Note: if you would like to know Alan's email address, please contact me.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Sunday, 17 February 2008
IECM Conference 2008
Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) is organizing "International Engineering and Construction Management" Conference on 3-4 March 2008. Asian Institute of Technology/CEIM is one of the sponsoring organizations.
The organizer is kindly inviting 15 CEIM/AIT students to attend this conference for free (including lunch).
CEIM will provide and arrange transportation for students who are interested to join.
As of today, I received several names who are interested to join:
01. Mr. Arthasit (Thailand)
02. Mr. Alex (Myanmar)
03. Mr. Phoutassen (Lao PDR)
04. Ms. Cam Thien (Vietnam)
05. Mr. Hiep (Vietnam)
06. Mr. Kang Ning Fu (Taiwan)
07. MR. Tran Minh Tung (Vietnam)
08. Mr. Tran Huong Quang (Vietnam)
09. Mr. Bhanupong (Thailand)
10. Mr. Rathsayam (Thailand)
11. Ms. Piyada (Thailand)
12. Mr. Hassan Faziliani (Iran)
13. Mr. Weerayudh (Thailand)
14. Mr. Andreas Adihartanto (Indonesia)
15. Mr. Alvin (Indonesia)
Below students have to wait for the organizer to confirm whether more than 15 students can join:
16. Mr. Ahsem Maqsoom (Pakistan)
17. Ms. Vivi Megawati (Indonesia)
18. Ms. Atcharaporn (Thailand)
19. Ms. Katsuda Limsila (Thailand)
20. Mr. Braj Mahato (Nepal)
Thursday, 7 February 2008
CEIM Community congratulates Dr. Nguyen Duy Long (CEIM 2003) who has succesfully finished his PhD at UC Berkley
Dear Dr. Long,
I am very happy on ur major mailstone acheivement. Seeing our students
being successful is one of the major job statisfaction of teachers. One
student told me that AIT was like a star gate. Ordinary people came to
AIT. Once they go out, they can go as far as they can be.
As always,
Dr. Chotchai
From Prof. Ogunlana:
Dr. Long,
Please use S.O.Ogunlana@
Best wishes,
Stephen Ogunlana
From Dr. BHW Hadikusumo:
Dear Dr. Nguyen Duy Long
Congratulations for you successful achievement in getting the highest
degree in education.
From Mr. Setha Yoosomsook
From Suchanya:
Dear Long,
...You Did So Well...
Suchanya (moodang)
From Ria:
From Dr. Dinh Tuan Hai:
Best wishes to Long and families.
From Patchawarat Jasopasrat
Congratulation naka... Mr. Long...
From Nguyen Van Thuyet:
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Job Vacancy at CUEL - Project Planner
I received this from our alumni, Dr. Djoen Santoso.
======= Start ==========
My company CUEL is looking for a project planner who have experience in P3.
Best Regards,
Kanchana Varoonchotikul
CUEL Project Planner
Tel 0-2500-1338
======= End =========
Note: CUEL is a company operating in oil and gas projects.
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Friday, 1 February 2008
Happy Lunar New Year

Dear All
CEIM wishes you Happy Lunar New Year (Rat Year)!
May this New Year bring happiness, health and prosperity to you, family and friends.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Dr. Chotchai and Dr. Hadikusumo organized MPM and CEIM Introductory Seminar in Saigon on 29 Jan 2008

Dr. Chotchai made a presentation on "The Need of Higher Education in Project Management". According to him, the construction growth in Vietnam is very high at about 12% of the National GDP. Vietnam is facing a new environment in constructing projects such as international investors and high complexity projects. He discussed that there is a big opportunity in the project management career especially for students who get their degree from international universities. Many Foreign Direct Investors project need qualified engineers who have good project management knowledge and English proficiency.
He mentioned that so far engineers learn project management through (i) short course training which is not sufficient to learn holistic view of project management and (ii) experience which may cost a lot of money since delay and cost overrun may happen.
Short course trainings usually only teach the hard components of project management such as cost estimation and control and project scheduling. However, due to the nature and characteristic of projects in which many companies and people work together at the same time, Project Manager needs to have the 'soft components' of project management such as communication management and skills, negotiation, team management, leadership, project organization and contract risk management which hardly can be learned through a short course training. This is one of the reasons for why CEIM offers higher education (i.e. master and doctoral) in Project Management in Construction.
Another reason, project manager needs to develop his/her problem solving skills. This problem solving skill can only be learned through intensive research work in which a scientific approach is used (observation, hypothesis development, hypothesis testing and analysis).
After Dr. Chotchai's presentation, Dr. Hadi made a presentation about 'Professional Master of Engineering in Project Management in Construction (MPM)' and 'Two-Phase Master and PhD'. Dr. Hadi highlighted that MPM is designed based on a balance between theoretical and practical aspects of project management knowledge while two-phase programs emphasize more on the theoretical aspects. Therefore, MPM is suitable for professionals who have been working in construction industry for at least three years, while two phase programs are suitable for fresh graduate engineers and researchers.
The seminar was attended by 25 potential students.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
CEIM Joined SET Promotion in Vietnam
- VietSov Petro, Vung Tau
- Ba Ria Vung Tau University
- PetroVietnam Manpower Training College, Vung Tau
- Hoa Sen University, Saigon
- Van Lang University, Saigon
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Senior Project Manager Job Vacancy in Vietnam
I read this advertisement in UK Telegraph News.
Employer: Beresford Blake Thomas
Location: Vietnam
Salary: On Application
Benefits: Full Remuneration and Benefits Package
Senior Project Manager
Excellent Remuneration Package
Our client is an international management consultancy advising, facilitating and delivering projects in property and commercialization. The company services the sectors of property, hotel, commercialization, retails, infrastructure, aged care, telecommunications, technology and infrastructure. They require an experienced Senior Project Manager.
You should have tertiary qualifications in construction, engineering or building discipline. Relevant experience in hotel, resort, retail or commercial experience is an advantage, and international work experience is highly preferred.
You must have highly developed communication skills and be confident in coordinating multiple activities and staff, You must be willing to take a ‘hands on’ approach and strong leadership skills are a must.
In return you will get great career development, an excellent remuneration package and the opportunity to work ona variety of exciting projects.
========= Good Luck ====================
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Congratulation to Dr. Nguyen Duy Long (CEIM 2003) Who Successfully Completed His PhD at The University of Berkeley
Dr. Nguyen Duy Long graduated from CEIM Thailand in 2003. After graduation, he worked as a researcher in Hong Kong. Then, he enrolled to a PhD program at The University of Berkeley.
We are proud of Dr. Nguyen Duy Long for his successful achievement.
This is another success story of our CEIM alumni!
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Risk Management in Construction - Challenging and Emerging Issues (in Vietnam) Part 4 (End)
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
AIT/SET Press Conference in Saigon 29 Jan 2008
On Tuesday 29 Jan 2008 at 3 pm, SET/AIT delegation organized a Press Conference in SEAMEO Saigon to introduce our Master and PhD programs offered in Vietnam. AIT/SET delegations are Dr. Nitin A. (Associate Dean), Ms. Nguyen Bich Hoa (SET Representative in Vietnam), Dr. Hadikusumo (CEIM and Vietnam Coordinator), Dr. Sumantha Guha (CSIM Coordinator) and Dr. Giao (SET Coordinator for Vietnam Promotion).
The press conference was attended by journalists from TV, newspaper and magazine such as HTV, Saigon Economic Times, Dong Nai Newspaper etc.
During the press conference, many interesting questions were raised by the journalists:
- Why the tuition fee is quite expensive? SET Delegation answered that our tuition fee is reasonable because we are an international university. Lets see the tuition fee for elementary (primary) and high school offered by international school in Saigon and Hanoi; the tuition fee is about USD 10,000 per year. AIT tuition fee is USD 13,000 - 15,000 for a master degree (post-graduate) level. With a master degree certificate from a reputed university, students can get a good job and career development. Therefore, investing in education is a good investment!
- How is research quality in AIT? AIT concerns a lot in quality of research. We are successful in maintaining and improving our tradition to involve students in high research standard. A very real example of this achievement can be seen from our high numbers of journal publication written by AIT student and Faculty.
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
CEIM welcomes 9 new students joining Jan 2008 Semesters
- one PhD student from Taiwan, Mr. Kang Ning Fu
- one PhD student from Iran
- Five master students from Vietnam
- two master students from Bhutan
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
CEIM is expanding into Property and Real Estate Development
In order to launch an attractive program, we have discussed with a "Property Consultant" for co-branding between CEIM and the "Property Consultant".
We hope to launch the new program on Sept 2008 or January 2009.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Wedding of K. Fon (CEIM Secretary)
They plan to move to Australia. Right now, K. Fon is waiting for the Australia Visa process. Hopefully, she will get it on April 2008. She is still helping us until she will get her Visa.
Congratulation to K. Fon! CEIM wishes you a happy marriage life with Michael.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
CEIM Thailand is Back to School
- Project Financing by Dr. Chotchai
- Project Performance Management by Dr. Chotchai
- Occupational Safety and Health in Construction by Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
- Legal and Contract Risk Management by Dr. Roland
- Infrastructure Management by Dr. Puvadol
- Note: in this semester, IT in Construction course will not be offered.
Welcome back to school!
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Risk Management in Construction - Challenging and Emerging Issues (in Vietnam) Part 4
In his presentation, he discussed many issues: Overview of the legal and regulatory environment for doing business in Vietnam, Overview of the legal and regulatory environment for doing construction business in Vietnam, Is Vietnam is risk country?, Fact and figures on construction risks in Vietnam, Risk in general, Legal risk and liability in general, Construction contract environment and parties, Risk management road map, Construction contract Claims and Construction contract dispute resolution.
According to him, projects must consult with lawyers in order to protect the project from risks. Risks such such Act of God, Nature and Man-Made risk can be managed if they are properly addressed in the contract.
He also provided a road map to manage risk using a good contract mechanism:
First Step: Choice of Law (Determining Applicable Law)
Second Step: Contract Formation
Third Step: Breach of Contract
Fourth Step: Claimant's remedies for the respondent's breach of contract.
During the Question and Answer Session, a participant asked Dr. Roland's opinion regarding a case that his company is facing. The contractor rented an expensive equipment from oversea supplier. The equipment is shipped. During the shipment, there was a strong storm and the equipment was damaged. Is it an Act of God? According to Dr. Roland, as far as in the contract between the shipping company and the contractor wrote in detail what are considered as ACT of GOD, then the contractor might win the case. In addition, Dr. Roland also added that for user/buyer Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) contract is must saver compared to Free On Board (FOB) contract.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Risk Management in Construction - Challenging and Emerging Issues (in Vietnam) Part 3
In the Risk Management in Construction FORUM, Mr. Pham Hong Linh and Dr. Trinh Thuy Anh made a presentation on Risk Factors Affecting Vietnam Construction and Petro Projects.
Mr. Pham Hong Linh who is now the General Director of OMMON Pipeline project 400 Km Length and a Vice President of PV Gas shared his years of experience in managing construction projects such as (i) Dung Quat Oil Refinery, (ii) Thi Vai LPG Terminal, (iii) Phu My - Thu Duc Gas Pipeline, (iv) Ca Mau Gas – Power - Fertilizer, and (iv) PVN Tower Building at Le Duan St, HCM. He explained the problems faced in the projects and the causes as follows:
- Dung Quat Oil Refinery - Delay Cost increase due to The Owner Change and Wrong in the estimation
- Thi Vai LPG Terminal - Delay, Crack Settlement due to wrong in design of foundation
- Phu My - Thu Duc Gas Pipeline - Delay due to Change F.S and Cost increase
- Ca Mau Gas – Power - Fertilizer - Delay and not yet operate due to Cost increase from half billion to 900 million.
- PVN Tower Building at Le Duan St, HCM - Delay due to policy change and Design & Build
- Risk management should be considered as an important part of project management.
- Risks management need to be considered into related regulation. Construction Law or Government Decrees
- Especially focus on the initiation stage:Investment report, Feasibility Study, Project planning and Detail Design.
- The Government required playing an important role in study and providing risk management institution in Investment Projects.
- Proposes in specific institution for risk management in terms of time, cost, resource, regulation, guideline, process and content by the government. For example, the cost estimated for risk management could be considered as essential part among the total investment cost of the project.
- The Investors should pay appropriate attention to risk management along with project planning while those institution and policies do not approve.
- The appendix of the report suggests a risk management process to them.
- When is the best time to conduct Risk Management?
- According to Mr. Linh, Risk Management must be carefully taken in each project phase. In each phase, different risks occur. For example, during the Feasibility Study, we should consider risks related with Land Acquisition. He explained that one of the project must pay a lot of compensation to the contractor because the owner cannot give the compensation to the people on time. Another example, for pipeline project, during the design stage the project may not identify any road construction and then at the construction stage, a new road construction was constructed. This means that additional costs to repair the road after the construction of pipe line occurs.
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Risk Management in Construction - Challenging and Emerging Issues (in Vietnam) Part 2
In his presentation, he explained that most of accidents are caused by unsafe behaviors of people and unsafe conditions. The unsafe behavior contribute 80% of the total accidents. The main reason of the unsafe behavior is because of Human Error. Based on Acciddent/Incident Theory of Dan Peterson, human error can be reduced and eliminated if the company has a good safety management system.
Dr. Hadikusumo concluded that four important issues which are very important to support the implementation of Safety Management System: (i) Management Committment, (ii) Worker Participation, (iii) Safety Protection System and (iv) Safety Administration.
He mentioned that many contractors dont really know which safety programs are effective to help them to achieve good safety performance target. Based on the 4.5 years intensive study, Dr. Thanet revealed that some safety programs are very effective and efficient to reduce accidents, unsafe acts and unsafe conditions. They are:
- Accident investigation including near-miss accident
- Safety Inspection
- Job Hazard Analysis
- Safety committee
- Safety Audit
- Control of Subcontractors
Effective means can achieve the result and Efficient means the safety program does not need a lot of resources.
During the Question/Answer session, forum audience asked following issues:
- How much is the appropriate safety budget for a construction project? In Dr. Hadikusumo's opinion, the budget is within 1.5 to 3% depends on the size of the project. For large construction project with longer duration, the safety budget can be 1.5% since the PPE can be repetitively used. However, he mentioned that the most important is not the percentage figure, but how the budget is allocated. He recommended that the safety budget must be separated from the total project cost and the contractor must breakdown the safety budget in detail so that this safety budget plan can be used to check whether the contractor really implement the safety plan. This issue is important because many projects tried not to spend on safety expenses for increasing their profits.
- Do I need to have a Safety Management System, if i already pay insurance? The answer is yes! They are two different purposes. Insurance is to protect you from a certain risk while Safety Management System is for your organization competency and development.
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Risk Management in Construction - Challenging and Emerging Issues (in Vietnam) Part 1
The FORUM was attended by 50 persons from many organizations:
- Cong Ty TNHH Tu Van Xay Dung Tan CC
- Cong Ty CP TV TK Cang - Ky Thuat Bien
- Cong Ty Co Phan Dau Tu Phat Trien Sai Gon
- Cong Ty TNHH Huy Tan
- Cty Co Phan Xay Dung and Kinh Doanh Vat Tu
- Thanh Tra So Xay Dung Tp HCM
- Tong Cong Ty Xay Dung Sai gon
- CN-Trung Tam Tu Van Dau Tu Va Thiet Ke
- Cong Ty Tu Van Thiet Ke Dau Khi
- Waseco
- Chuong Duong Construction and Investment Company
- IndoChina Land Project Management
- PV Manpower Training College
- Cong Ty Co Phan Phat Trien Nha thu Duc
- Cong Ty Kiem Dinh xay Dung Sai Gon
- Trung Tam An Toan Va MT Dau Khi (CPSE)
- Cong Ty TNHH Bat Dong San FPT
- Cong Ty Kiem Dinh Say Dung Saigon
- Ban Quan Ly Du An Khi Tay Nam Bo
- Cong Ty Co Phan Ngoc Suong
- Real Architecture
- Saigon Construction Quality control
- Saigon Construction Corporation
- PetroVietnam Power Corporation
- THUDUC House
- Project Management Unit
- Royal Haskoning
Three speakers were invited to present risk-related topics:
- Dr. BHW Hadikusumo (CEIM/AIT Faculty) on "Safety Management System for Zero Accident Target"
- Mr. Pham Hong Linh (Vice President of PV Gas) on "Risk in Vietnam Construction"
- Dr. Roland (AIT Faculty) on "Legal and Contract Risk"
The English presentation was interpreted to vietnamese language by two interpreter:
- Ms. Mai Do Thuy Dung (Purchasing Manager of IndoChina Capital)
- Mr. Bui Quang Luong (Project Management Unit Officer)
- note: both of them are currently pursuing their Professional Master in Project Management program in AITCV/Saigon.
In overall, the FORUM was very interesting. There are a lot of discussions and questions raised by FORUM participants.
We try our best to organize similar forums every three months!
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Kamal Hossain Joining CONNOLS Engineering Thailand
After his graduation, we went back to Bangladesh and worked in Property Developer company for 2 years.
In Dec 2007, he came back to Thailand and worked for CONNOLS Engineering. He is in charge of projects in Thailand and Vietnam.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Monday, 14 January 2008
Mr. Somprasong Boonyachai, the new AITAA Mother Chapter President
In 27 Dec 2007, GENERAL Boonsrang Niumpradit (The AITAA President from 2006-2007) handed over the AITAA presidency to Mr. Somprasong Boonyachai. The handover ceremony was attended by AITAA Mother Chapter Excom (Dr. BHW Hadikusumo, Dr. Siriwan, Dr. Ann W., Mr. Chawalit and Advisors - Dr. Tien) and Thai Chapter Excom members. The handover ceremony was held at official house of GENERAL Boonsrang Niumpradit (Supreme Commander of Thailand)
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Ms. Nang Kham Kyi Oo works at Chiyoda Singapore
After graduation from AIT in May 2007, Ms. Nang Kham Kyi Oo immediately got a job in Chiyoda Contractor, a Japanese company operating Singapore. She is in charged of Project Controller for powerplant projects.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
James Suvanaphen moved to Bovis Singapore
Congratulations James!
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Scholarships at The University of Hong Kong
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Dr. Anusorn is nominated in CNBC Asia Business Leader Award
Dr. Anusorn Sangnimnuan (EV ’80), an AIT Alumnus is one of the nominees for Asia Business Leader Awards. He is the President of Bangchak Petroleum Public Company Limited,
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
CEIM Thailand is organizing a site visit field trip to Phuket at the End of Jan 2008
As part of our curriculum in which students have to interact with the industry, CEIM is organizing a site visit to Phuket to see many luxurious resort projects at the end of Jan 2008.
K. Weerayudh is volunteering to organize this important and exciting event.
Junior students will have to attend this site visit trip and Senior students are also welcome to join.
I will follow up with the real story from site visit on my next report!
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Job Vacancies at CONNOL Engineering
Connols is a singaporean construction company operating in Thailand and Vietnam; and specializing in factory and industrial construction project.
If you are interested to apply, please send your cv to me (
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Faculty Position at CEIM/AIT
- Mechatronics and Microelectronics: Electronics, Robotics, Materials Engineering, Magnetic Recording Technology.
- Construction Engineering and Management: Property and Real Estate Investment and Market Analysis, Property and Land Valuation.
- Offshore Technology and Management: Offshore Structural Engineering, Offshore Project and Marine Operation Management.
- Structural Engineering: Concrete Structures, Construction Materials, Structural and Computational Mechanics, Earthquake Engineering.
- Water Engineering and Management: Water Resources Systems and Management, Urban Water Management, Hydraulic Engineering, Flood Management.
General Qualifications:
- Must have a doctoral degree from a well-recognized university/institution with a strong research background and interest.
- Competence in teaching and carrying out research at the post graduate level.
- Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
- Exposure to the problems and prospects in the Asian Region will be an added advantage
- Conducting all academic activities including teaching and research in the subject area of specialization.
- Supervising master and doctoral student thesis work and publish outputs in recognized international journals.
- Developing partnership with industries, government and international agencies.
- Attracting sponsored research projects.
- Participating in promotion activities to recruit student, short training courses, conferences/seminars, and other professional activities.
The successful candidates will be appointed at the earliest possible date, initially for a period of two years and is renewable, on two-year basis for Assistant Professor and four-year basis for Associate Professor, based on performance and productivity. Successful candidates will receive a salary competitive in the region, with generous benefits.
All personal particulars, details of qualification and experience, publications, and the names and addresses of four referees, should be submitted, not later than 29 February 2008, to:
The Dean
School of Engineering and Technology
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang 12120
Pathum Thani, Thailand
The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) is an international graduate institution of higher learning with a mission to develop highly qualified and committed professionals who will play a leading role in the sustainable development of the region and its integration into the global economy. Established in Bangkok in 1959, AIT has become a leading regional postgraduate institution and is actively working with public and private sector partners throughout the region and with some of the top universities in the world.
Abu Naser Chowdury is continuing his PhD in NTU
During this study at AIT, Naser is a very active student. He did his master thesis on Project Financing under Dr. Chotchai.
Congratulation Naser!
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Professional Master in Project Management (MPM) Saigon, BATCH 2007
1. Mr. Bui Van Bao, Saigon Construction
2. Mr. Lu Dinh Vu, Saigon Construction
3. Mr. Nguyen Dang Thong Nhat
4. Mr. Chu Bien Cuong, Project Manager at Sonadezi Construction
5. Mr. Bui Quang Luong, Project Mangement Unit
6. Mr. Nguyen Le Hoai Tam, Project Manager, Royal Haskoning Consultant
7. Ms. Mai Do Thuy Dung, Purchasing Manager, Indo China Capital
8. Mr. Mai Phong Phu, Dong Nai Officer
9. Mr. Vo Hoang Phuong, Dong Nai Officer
A part from the 9 MPM students, seven students in twophase master and phd program join with them study in the same classes and share experiences:
1. Mr. Tran Viet Dung, Two Phase Master CEIM
2. Mr. Tran Duc Nhat, Two Phase Master CEIM
3. Mr. Pham Vuong Trung, Two Phase Master CEIM
4. Mr. Dam Thanh Binh, Two Phase Master CEIM
5. Mr. Nguyen Viet Nhan, Two Phase Master CEIM
6. Mr. Pham Hong Linh, Two Phase PhD CEIM, Vice President of PV Gas Corporation
CEIM is proud to select this students to join program and strengthen our networks.
You are all welcomed!
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Professional Master in Project Management (MPM) Vung Tau, BATCH 2007
1. Mr. Ngoc Duc Binh
2. Mr. Nguyen Khoa, Refinery No. 3
3. Mr. Nguyen Anh Dao
4. Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh
5. Mr. Nguyen Tan Hoang, Refinery No. 3
6. Mr. Nguyen Van Thang
7. Mr. Tran Duct Hanh
8. Mr. Dao Manh Tuong
9. Mr. Le Viet Hoai
10. Mr. Dang Huu Trinh
11. Mr. Nguyen Quang Hung
12. Mr. Do Hong Hai
13. Mr. Phan Minh Nhut, PV Construction
14. Mr. Dang The Phuong, VietSov Petro
15. Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung
16. Mr. Vu Van Dao
17. Mr. Nguyen Quoch Hanh, Japan Vietnam Petroleum
18. Mr. Dang Dinh Lam
19. Mr. Nguyen Hoang Loc, PV Land
20. Mr. Khuong Minh Dat
21. Mr. Nguyen Van Diep, PTSC
22. Mr. Pham Van Tuan
Many thanks to PetroVietnam who has provided scholarships to this 22 studetns.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Terry Clayton gave his lecture on Communication and Presentation Skills
Mr. Terry Clayton, a Canadian communication specialist, gave his lecture on how to effectively make a presentation and communicate with others to the Professional Master of Engineering in Project Management (MPM) students in Vung Tau and Saigon Vietnam on October 2007.
The students said that Mr. Terry Clayton is an excellent teacher. His teaching style is very interactive and effective.
Mr. Khoa, a student in Vung Tau who is working in Refinery No. 3 Project, said that Mr. Terry teach us how to organize a meeting and make meeting participants happy after the meeting finish.
Ms. Dung, a student in Saigon who is working as the purchasing manager of IndoChina Capital, said that Mr. Terry teaches us a very interesting subject and his teaching style is very fun and effective.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Research Fund on Construction Professional Market in Thailand
Dr. Hadikusumo is assisted by two CEIM researchers: Ms. Oulawan K. and Mr. Arthasit who are both PhD students.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Bovis LendLease Research Grant for Sustainable Construction Study
Bovis Lendlease has provided a research grant to CEIM to study Sustainable Construction, particulary to develop a framework that is applicable for construction projects in Thailand.
Mr. Riza, CEIM Alumni who is now the country manager for sustainable construction of Bovis Lendlease, is working closely with Mr. Pakawat (CEIM Student) and Dr. BHW Hadikusumo.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Equipment Downtime is a burden for highway contractors
Mr. Thanapun Prasertrungruang has just defended his PhD dissertation on MODELING THE DYNAMICS OF HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT DOWNTIME. Mr. Thanapun found out that downtime is a complex problem; and the cause and effect of downtime occurs in a feedback loop models. In other words, the more downtime you have in your projects, the more future downtime you will have due to the skipping your equipment maintenance, unplanned equipment maintenance budget etc.
This is his PhD abstract.
Downtime resulting from machine breakdown invariably has a substantial impact on the performance of construction projects and companies as a whole, especially to contractors with heavy investment in equipment. As managing construction equipment is tightly connected to various activities and parties inside as well as outside of the firm, failure to account for the dynamic characteristics (e.g. cause-effect relationships, multiple feedback loops, nonlinear relationships, and time-delayed responses) of equipment management practices invariably causes downtime to be even more severe. To date, few studies have been made to investigate the causes and consequences of downtime. Attempts to highlight the dynamic behaviors of downtime, particularly in construction equipment, are rarely found as well. The aims of this study are divided into two major parts: 1) to investigate current practices and problems in heavy equipment management and to identify practices capable of alleviating equipment management problems for highway contractors, and 2) to highlight the dynamics of heavy equipment management practices and downtime in highway contractors and then recommend policies for equipment performance improvement. The first objective is the preliminary and exploratory study of this research to fully understand the problems and practices in equipment management of Thai highway contractors. The second objective is considered as the main purpose of the study, which was formulated and conducted based upon the results from the first objective.
To achieve the first objective, a questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data on equipment management practices and problems from 162 Thai highway contractors. Statistical techniques, including one-way ANOVA, correlation test, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), were adopted for data analysis. Findings of this objective reveal that the equipment management practices vary, to some extent, among different contractor sizes. While practices of medium and small contractors tend to be similar, practices of large contractors are different from those of smaller contractors. Large contractors often put more emphasis on outsourcing strategy for equipment management. They frequently dispose of or replace equipment as soon as the equipment becomes inefficient. Conversely, smaller contractors tend to mainly emphasize the company’s finances and budget availability for purchasing strategy, especially buying used machines. Overall, equipment practices of large contractors were found to be more successful than those of smaller contractors in minimizing equipment management problems. Among all equipment problems, downtime was found to be the most significant problem faced by highway contractors.
The SEM model, constructed during the first objective, provides a framework for tracing the causes and consequences of downtime as well as recommends practices for downtime reduction. It suggests that contractors should place a strong emphasis on equipment maintenance as it has a significant influence on downtime and machine disposal practice. The model illustrates how the acquisition condition and operational practice of equipment affect downtime through a direct influence on maintenance quality. Improving machine operational practices could approximately create double positive effect on maintenance quality, comparing to the influence from improving the acquisition condition of equipment. The model also ranks equipment management practices according to their importance and effectiveness in reducing the downtime problem.
For the second objective, data from ten contractor case studies (i.e. 5 large and 5 small to medium highway contractors) was collected and analyzed using System Dynamics (SD) methodology. The results show that, to overcome downtime problem, equipment management practices throughout a machine’s lifecycle must be viewed as an integration of multiple feedback processes, which are interrelated and interdependent with downtime. In reducing downtime as well as improving machine budget status, a variety of policies are recommended for implementation, including machine standardization, quality improvement team building, supplier strategy, and trade-in-for-new disposal. “Neutral or worse before better” results normally occur after the policy implementation due to delays in the improvement process. Such delay behavior was found to occur not only during the attempt to reduce downtime duration but also during the improvement process of machine budget status. As an additional research finding, the study also proposes a methodological approach for determining the timing for key equipment management decisions (i.e. major repair, overhaul, and disposal) through the application of simulations using actual equipment management practice data. Two simulators (one for large and one for small to medium contractors) were built based on the SD simulation models constructed to serve as tools for contractors to better manage their machinery effectively and efficiently since proactive actions can be triggered before such breakdown with costly downtime to occur during equipment operations.
From his dissertation, Mr. Thanapun wrote many international journal publications and conference as follows:
- Prasertrungruang, T. and Hadikusumo, B.H.W. (2007) “Heavy equipment management practices and problems in Thai highway contractors”, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 14 (3), pp. 228-241.
- Prasertrungruang, T. and Hadikusumo, B.H.W. (2006) “Equipment management practices of highway contractors in Thai construction industry, Construction and Professional Practices”, Proceedings of the Tenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-10), Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 49-54.
- Prasertrungruang, T. and Hadikusumo, B.H.W., “A study of factors influencing the efficient management and downtime consequences of highway construction equipment in Thailand”, Submitted to Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (ASCE).
- Prasertrungruang, T. and Hadikusumo, B.H.W., “Modeling the dynamics of heavy equipment management practices and downtime in large highway contractors”, Submitted to Journal of Management in Engineering (ASCE).
- Prasertrungruang, T. and Hadikusumo, B.H.W., “System dynamics modeling of heavy equipment management practices and downtime for small to medium highway construction companies”, Submitted to Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.
- Prasertrungruang, T. and Hadikusumo, B.H.W., “Modeling the dynamic influences of heavy equipment management practices on downtime: a comparative study between large and small to medium highway contractors”, Submitted to an international journal.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Negotiation and Communication Skill for Project Manager
Mr. Johan and Mr. Burin shared his years of experience in negotiating in construction projects.
Students in Vung Tau and Saigon learnt many negotiation skills and techniques from Mr. Johny Johan and Mr. Burin such as:
- Plan your negotiation
- understand what you really need
- understand what you dont need
- Do you know your target?
- Clear Communication.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Mr. Thanapat Leingtong is promoted as HSE Manager
Congratulation Mr. Thanpat for your great achievement.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Mr. Sugondo Gan is moving to Shimizu Singapore
Congratulations Mr. Sugondo Gan!
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Farewell party for Prof. Ogunlana on 16 Dec 2007
Prof. Ogunlana worked as a faculty member at CEIM for 18 years. Colleagues, Students and Alumni gave great comments to Prof. Ogunlana for his 18 years in AIT/CEIM.
Dr. Chotchai (CEIM Faculty) - He is a gentleman! I seldom call a person as a gentleman, and He is a real gentleman.
Dr. Hadikusumo (CEIM Faculty) - He has contributed many to CEIM.
Dr. Martinus Abednego (CEIM Alumni) - If you open a dictionary and find the word "Dedication", then I will say that Prof. Ogunlana is very dedicated to teach and supervise students"
Dr. Djoen San Santoso (CEIM Alumni) - He is my teacher and my spiritual mentor.
Mr. Riza Yosia - He is a nice person.
Prof. Ogunlana, your contributions to CEIM will be remembered forever.
Good luck with your new work in HeriotWatt University.
And please keep contact with us.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Emotional Intelligent and Project Management
Mr. Riza Yosia, Dr. BHW Hadikusumo and Prof. Stephen Ogunlana research on Emotional Intelligence and Project management is accepted in Journal of Management in Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineering.
Riza Yosia, BHW Hadikusumo, Stephen Ogunlana (2007). Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Styles in Construction Project Management, Journal of Management in Engineering, Vol. 23, Issue 4, Page 166-170, publisher: American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE)
Human factors are of paramount importance to the success of projects. Although a lot of studies have been carried out on human factors in project management, not much research has been done on emotional intelligence (EI). Studies have shown that EI is beneficial to both the individual and the organization. The benefits of EI to project management were investigated in terms of the style of leadership. The study was conducted in Thailand by interviewing project managers and engineers (PMEs); and client representatives. The results showed that EI affected leadership behavior of the project leader. PMEs with higher EI tend to use open communication and proactive leadership styles. It is also found that EI generates delegating, open communication, and proactive behavior, which can bring positive outcomes to the organization.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Two Phase Master and PhD program in Vietnam
For Two-Phase master program, students study the first phase (i.e. first semester from september to december) in vietnam and the second phase (i.e. second, third and fourth semester) in AIT Thailand.
For Two-Phase doctoral program, students study the first phase (i.e. first and second semester) in vietnam and the second phase (i.e. third, fourth, fifth and sixth semester) in AIT Thailand. However, students have to go back to vietnam during the second phase for data collection.
If you need further information, you can contact
- Dr. BHW Hadikusumo (CEIM Coordinator, email:
- Mr. Nguyen Le Tuong (CEIM Representative in Vietnam, email:
- Ms. Bich Hoa (School Representative in Vietnam, email:
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Six Two-Phase CEIM Students from Vietnam Joining AIT Thailand Education this January 2008
Mr. Nguyen Van Tam
MR. Tran Viet Dung
Mr. Tran Duc Nhat
Mr. Pham Vuong Trung
Mr. Dam Thanh Binh
Ms. Nguyen Viet Nhan
We look forward to meet you in AIT Thailand.
CEIM offers two-phase master and phd program in vietnam. In two-phase master program, students study the first semester in vietnam and continue the second, third and fourth semester in AIT Thailand.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Alvin Bahari and Andreas Adihartanto joined CEIM Dual Degree Program 2007-2008
Alvin and Andreas, you are welcome!
Study hard and learn a lot for your future success!
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Is your safety management effective?
I copy and paste Dr. Thanet's PhD abstract as below:
The construction industry has been globally regarded as a relatively hazardous industry. It has always been reported that fatal accidents and injuries in construction remain consistently at a very high level despite a significant downward trend in recent years. Similarly, in
The Thai Government has taken significant steps to improve safety in the construction industry by promoting the establishment of safety programs at the enterprise level. It has been suggested that the following 17 safety programs should be implemented as business core functions: safety policies, safety committees, safety inductions, safety training, safety inspections, accident investigations, first aid programs, in-house safety rules, safety incentive schemes, control of subcontractors, selection of employees, personal protection programs, emergency preparedness planning, safety-related promotions, safety auditing, safety record keeping, and job hazard analysis. However, the accident occurrence rate in the construction industry still remains at unacceptable levels. This shows that the industry suffers from an inability to implement safety programs which achieve improved safety performance.
To help the industry, therefore, it is worthwhile to conduct research focused on investigating effective and efficient safety programs, and identifying the key factors influencing the success of safety programs. The findings therefore can be used as a guideline by construction sites to implement safety programs successfully.
This study was conducted with 35 medium and 35 large-scale construction projects taking part. To assess safety programs, an evaluation tool was developed by using scientific methods based upon Thai safety regulations and standards, and which was validated by a panel of safety experts. Multiple regression analysis was used to create models that reflect a set of the most effective and efficient safety programs for safety performance improvement.
The effectiveness of safety programs was evaluated by studying the relationship between their actual status and associated site safety performance. It was found that 4 of the 17 safety programs, namely accident investigations, safety inspections, control of subcontractors, and safety incentives, are the most effective in reducing accident rates at construction sites. The most effective safety programs in minimizing the occurrence of unsafe acts at construction sites are safety inspections, accident investigations, control of subcontractors, and safety incentives. And lastly, accident investigations, safety inspections, job hazard analysis, safety inductions, and safety auditing were the most effective factors in eliminating unsafe conditions at construction sites.
To evaluate the efficiency of safety programs, this study quantified amounts of staff time and budget allocated for safety program implementation based upon the perception-based survey and correlated them with safety performance. Multiple regression analysis yielded models which showed that 5 of the 17 safety programs, namely accident investigations, control of subcontractors, safety incentives, safety inspections, and safety auditing were the most efficient in improving accident rates. The most efficient safety programs in preventing the occurrence of unsafe acts were accident investigations, job hazard analysis, in-house safety rules, safety inspections, safety committees, and safety incentives. Lastly, safety committees, safety incentives, accident investigations, safety auditing, and safety inspections were found as the most efficient factors in controlling unsafe conditions on the sites.
Furthermore, this research also investigated critical success factors (CSFs) for safety programs. These CSFs are important to guide contractors to implement safety programs successfully. The CSFs are regarded as the limited number of activities in which results, if they are satisfactory, will ensure successful implementation of safety programs. Therefore, the final output of this study will enable contractors to choose effective and efficient safety programs and to implement them by understanding the CSFs. This study showed that management support, appropriate safety education and training, teamwork, clear and realistic goals, and an effective enforcement scheme were perceived by the respondents as the most significant factors that need considerable attention in order to ensure successful safety programs. However, this study found the current problems which may lead to failure of safety programs were lack of management support, lack of appropriate supervision, lack of sufficient resource allocation, lack of teamwork, and lack of effective enforcement. Improving these priority factors to satisfactory levels would lead to successful safety programs, thereby minimizing accidents.
In conclusion, in light of this research, a package of comprehensive strategies for achieving improved construction safety performance was provided. In other words, the study gave a set of the most effective and efficient safety programs for implementation on construction sites as well as critical activities or known as critical success factors (CSFs) that can ensure the successful implementation of the safety programs.
A part from his PhD dissertation, Dr. Thanet has published in many journal and conferences as below:
- Aksorn, T., and Hadikusumo, B.H.W. (2007). Critical Success Factors Influencing Safety Program Performance in Thai Construction Projects, Safety Science.
- Aksorn, T., and Hadikusumo, B.H.W. (2008). An Evaluative Tool for Construction Safety Programs. Professional Safety. American Society of Safety Engineers.
- Aksorn, T., and Hadikusumo, B.H.W. (2007). Gap Analysis Approach for Safety Program Improvement. Journal of Construction in Developing country, 12, 1.
- Aksorn, T., and Hadikusumo, B.H.W. (2006). Critical Success Factors of Safety Programs Implementation in Thai Construction Projects. Proceedings of CIBW99 Conference on Global Unity on Safety and Health. Beijing, China. June, 2006.
- Aksorn, T., and Hadikusumo, B.H.W. (2006). Investigation of Critical Success Factors of Safety Programs Implementation in Thai Construction industry. Proceedings of the Tenth East-Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction. Bangkok, Thailand. August, 2006.
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Three PhDs graduated on Dec 2007
After your serious and tedious works, finally you are able to complete your PhD degree which is the highest degree in education.
CEIM wishes you success in your future career and life.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Freddy Kurniawan Completed Dual Degree Program
Congratulation for your achievement in completing CEIM dual degree Master program in Construction Engineering and Infrastructure Management organized by AIT and Petra Christian University Surabaya.
CEIM wishes you success with your future career.
Posted by
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Risk Management in Construction Forum in Vietnam
Three speakers will make presentations and lead the forum discussions:
- Safety Management System for Zero Accident Target by Dr. BHW Hadikusumo, Construction Engineering and Infrastructure Management, Asian Institute of Technology.
- Prevention and Treatment Of Legal and Contract Risks in the Construction Industry in Vietnam by Dr. Rolland Amoussou-Guenou Attorney at Law, Lecturer and Asia–Africa Initiative Project Manager Asian Institute of Technology (AIT - Thailand)
- Risk Management in Vietnam Construction Industry by Mr. Pham Hong Linh (Vice President of Petrovietnam Gas)
Date: Wednesday, 16 January 2007
Hours: 8.30 am to 12 noon
Cost: VND 500,000
For registration, please contact Ms. Tuong ( and mobile phone: 913138408)
Posted By
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM and MPM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
Occupational Safety and Health Management in Construction
Module ONE: Safety and Health in Construction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Safety and Health Law Development
Chapter 3: Nature of Accidents
Chapter 4: Cost of Accidents
Chapter 5: Health Hazards and Management
Module TWO: Safety Management System
Chapter 6: OSH Management System
Chapter 7: OSH Plan and Programs
Chapter 8: OSH Performance
Chapter 9: Accident Investigation
Chapter 10: CDM
Module THREE: Safety Culture
Chapter 12: Human Factors
Chapter 13: Communication
Chapter 14: Safety Incentive
Chapter 15: Safety Culture
The course is taught by Dr. BHW Hadikusumo.
Posted By
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Dual Degree Master in Construction Engineering and Infrastructure Management
Students will study the first semester at PCU and complete the other three semesters in Asian Institute of Technology Thailand. Upon completion of their studies, the students will receive two degrees, namely (i) Magister Teknik from PCU (equivalent to Master Degree) and (ii) M.Eng from Asian Institute of Technology.
Please contact our representative in Indonesia, Dr. Anthony (Head of PostGraduate School, )
Dr. BHW Hadikusumo
CEIM Coordinator
" CEIM offers Master and Doctoral degrees in Construction Project Management and Infrastructure Management in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam "
Professional Master of Engineering in Project Management in Vietnam
PetroVietnam has provided a strong support for us. Under the leadership of Mr. Le Minh Hong, The Vice President of PetroVietnam, twenty (20) students have been sponsored and joined Professional Master of Engineering in Project Management in Vung Tau.
In Saigon, CEIM/AIT also received a good market respond. Sixteen (16) students joined (i) Professional Master of Engineering in Project Management, (ii) Two-Stage Master of Engineering and (iii) Two-Stage PhD
in Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure Management.