Wednesday, 1 February 2012



Vuong Hoang Thang


A successful construction project is the one that completion within destined time, budget and quality. Project scheduling and project scheduling management are very important parts of any project as they provide the project team, sponsor, and stakeholders a picture of the project’s status at any given time.
The Project schedule is the roadmap for how the project will be executed. A successful construction project is also meaning a successful project scheduling and it is executed in the boundaries schedule's creation.
This report review project scheduling and management theory, time management functions and delay risks address into scheduling management commonly applied in developed countries and developing countries and Vietnam.
The report study the scheduling and management strategy applied in a construction project in Danang city, Vietnam. From the study case, the report identifies and analyzes the practical application of project scheduling management functions and strategy. Then, reviews practices of the project scheduling management and suggest some improvements strategy can be applied


Executive summary 

Rationale of research

This research has been conducted to indentify scheduling problems and propose good project scheduling practice and strategy for the owner.

Objectives of study

To identify project delay and risks of project delay in construction stages, and approach to schedule creation to propose owners strategy for project scheduling management.


The exploratory research method is used to study delay and understand factors that affect project scheduling management.
By undergoing into project case and practice implementing in scheduling management .
Findings and conclusion
The administration of schedule is the most significant concerns of project management for  project owner, as an investor, mainly concerned about the profitability of investment.
The project scheduling management is resulted from the frame of project management planning and related directly to time aspect in each project.
considering the review of project schedule management, analyzing the practice in Project of SHB-Danang Sports and Trainings Complex Center, 1st phase, a project sponsored by non-state owner resources. The learning from the study is that from the initial stage up to now this project is applied some project management tools and methods to manage cost, time, procurement, etc. And the same to other common projects in Vietnam the scheduling management and time management is always a big challenge to the Owner.
The Owner of project (SHB) wished of completion construction and moving the club into new centres at the end of September 2012 latest. The construction duration is planned maximum of 8,5 months from the earth works till completion the 1st phase. However, the actual performance is slow than schedule and now estimated delay about 5 months hopefully.
The project was traditional design bid and built, each participant team was working well at their responsibility and used computer tools to reduce risk.
But the major problems were in communication and decision making which caused delay and un-professional attitude from owner side.
The team got some unrealistic milestones but overall project management unit from owner side is weak.


To put project schedule on realistic channel owner should focus on following points
·         Set & manage Buffer in the timeframe and activities duration.
·         Reduce dependencies by applying tools and methods such as: WBS, OBS, CPM, LSM, PERT and delay risk management.
·         In the estimation of task / activities, should focus on the Critical path, LOB.
·         Develop communication and report mechanism with some tools such as EV, SV, in order to update and adjust baseline making decision of the Owner.
·         Set penalty/ award provision in the contract both to the contractor and the designer.
·         Put realistic milestones into the contract and general timeframe and bound to all the project's stakeholders (Owner, PMU, PMC, and contractor, and consultants, designer).



Trinh Vuong Duy


In recent years, construction industry in Viet Nam is booming. Both Government and private sectors develop many projects in infrastructure and new cities. Especially, high rise buildings become attractive to many developers because of high profit and saving land asset.

In general, to deliver a project, one of the most important parts of process is contract management. A good contract must cover most of the significant cases that potentially happen during process of construction to prevent from disputation. Nevertheless, in the real life, people who control contract management have not got enough experiences to foresee matters may arise in the future. A regular error of contract is the lack of specifications. That will support contractors to apply low quality materials in to project. Above reasons are only examples of insufficient contracts, besides, there are many reasons that cause the contract fail.

The report analyzes to find problems in contract of Project Indochina Plaza Ha Noi, but focus on payment & variation issues. Then report will recommend solutions for specific cases. The report can help the owner to improve contract management of the project, or apply it for other projects.

Executive summary  

Rationale of research

This research has been conducted to indentify the problems of payment and variation in the construction projects and the problems with owner and contractor regarding payment and variation.

Objectives of study

To identify frequent problems, causes in payment and variation in construction projects.  Suggest frame work for payment & variation for improving situation of practice in construction.


The exploratory research method is used to study frame work of payment & variation in construction project, application of frame into Indochaina project to identify problems to adjust in contract and to propose suitable solution for future projects.

Findings and conclusion

Contract management being important step in the construction as it control cost of project and rules and regulation regarding cost.
The big issue in construction works is delay of payment which actually is supposed to pay each month to cover expenses and due to this contractor always claim higher then what he did, causes dispute.
The representative of owner intentionally drives design at initial stage to cause variation order at the end to benefit him. Project cost overrun mainly comes from this issue.


The recommendations are divided into groups according to area specific
1.      Payment frame work  
·         What amounts will be paid under payment terms.
·         When a payment will be assessed in contract term.
·         How percentage work done will be defined.
·         What information need to be defined between two parties.
·         Ownership of material should be proven to transferring to owner, to pay for offsite material.
·         Owner has right to access to inspect or collect offsite material.
·         A full refund for the value of materials and components will belong to owner before they move to contractor’s factory.
·         A full refund for the value of any work off site on these materials and components will belong to owner after ownership of those are transferred to contractor.
 ·         The contractor has to buy insurance for materials or goods offsite that used for the owner’s project.
 ·         The amount supposed to be withhold and the basic for withholding payment.
 ·         The notice shall be informed to the contractor before the final date for payment.
  ·      The contractor can suspend work with 7 days notice with reason for suspension.
  ·      The contractor only can suspend the work that is not being paid, but not all the work.
  ·      The contractor shall provided time extension for any delay caused by performance pending, or compensated a reasonable cost by the suspension.
2.      Variation order frame work
To mitigate variations arise in construction project & dispute between parties these issues need to be controlled in Design Stage & Construction Stage.
·         Design stage
The owner is major cause because in variation order sometimes due to lake of experience, for aesthetic appearance and to use cheaper material, so there is need of accurate estimation for financial plan & cash flow will required to reduce issue and review of contract document especially drawings should be clear from ambiguity so that contractor should not take advantage from it.
·         Construction stage
finalize quantity and confirm that is variation or not. So site investigation of variation is
In some cases, the consultant can not assess quantity based on drawing, or doubt on
Need of variation order assessment procedure to be cleared and agreed by parties at initial stage of project to reduce problems, variation orders that involve change in original price will be approved in writing by owner before execution of work.
Owner should hire project management consultant to negotiate rates in variation orders professional team can help in negotiating to minimize negative impacts of variation
 reducing the cost.
the   variation submitted by contractor. He can physical check with the contractor to
The main dispute that occurs is different assessment of work; contractor should explain the procedure of work, expenses of work, material and labor etc.
very important, it would help consultant to assess accurately the variation order.



Nguyen Viet Cuong


The development of socio-economic infrastructure plays a very important role in the country developing strategy, it is a major factor to help developing country reducing the poverty. The fund for the infrastructure development can be from many sources: private sector, counterpart, mixed credit and ODA loan…In order to meet the huge demand on infrastructure project development, the preparations of project investment such as project feasibility study is specially paid attention by Project Management Units.
Furthermore, with the project using the loan from international Donors, the feasibility study is not limited in project financial aspects like loss or profit, it also studies the other social aspect such as safeguard policies, economic benefits, benefit to the residents within project… The project feasibility study report therefore also be considered as approved factor for the Donor to give the loan.
The purpose of this study is to identify the process to prepare a feasibility study report for the urban infrastructure development project using the loan from World Bank. this process of preparing feasibility study report need to be followed the government instruction as well as complying with the World Bank regulation.   

Executive summary  

Rationale of research

This research has been conducted to indentify the course of action to prepare feasibility study report for the urban infrastructure development project using loan from World Bank.

Objectives of study

To prepare feasibility study report following guidelines of five funding agencies (Asian development Bank, French Agency, World Bank, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, German Bank for Reconstruction) to identify risk of unrealistic FS report preparation and to analyze problem during preparation of FS report.


In this research methods are followed in accordance with the five funding agencies i-e step by step completion of FS report from collection of data to provincial people approval and World Bank non-objection letter.

Findings and conclusion

Apart from the project financial advantages, the significant advantage from project implementation is that the Project Owner and project shareholders particularly the Consultants are approached to the international standards in project preparation and implementation. Report helps in making decision of either invest or not to invest for construction.
The project shareholders, at any time during project implementation, must take note on the compliance of Donor’s guidelines, as World Bank specialists supervises strictly the project implementation to ensure the effectiveness of fund usage and development criteria are complied.
The project FS report has to be prepared in compliance with both Lender’s guideline and Governmental rule and regulation. This appears to be the biggest challenge for the Project Owner and FS Consultant, that why the selection of FS Consultant need to be always considered carefully with the Non-objection from the Donors.
The other issues such as the sustainable development and Community Awareness in sanitation and environment, institution and capacity building also need to be considered carefully and differently from the normal construction investment project
During the FS preparation stage, the difficulties will be occurred due the lack of experience in project management from project owner to this new concept of total project development, thus, the improvement of project communication and information sharing must be paid attention to avoid the unnecessary delay.


The FS report is more difficult and complicated when compared with commercial project report. The main procedure and guidelines are defined by donor agency and lenders criteria, so I can only give my recommendations to prepare reliable FS report using World Bank loan in particular.
·         Project management unit should be set up at early stage; matrix structure under control of provincial leader.
·         The more accurate data, the more reliable report will be so need of proper survey team and procedure.
·         As FS report preparation will be in direct supervision of World Bank so consultant need to have experience of working with WB and have experience in development of similar projects.
·          As FS preparation team is different from presentation team to World Bank expert, so there is need of proper communication system among stakeholders it can be done by telecom conference with minute notes. 



Nguyen Nam Cuong


Vietnam is a developing country with about 70% of the population works in the fields related to agriculture and rural. Through a process of development since the Doi Moi to now, Vietnam has become one of the world’s leading exporters of rice and many agricultural commodities such as coffee bean, cashew nut, black pepper… However, almost of agricultural commodities are exported in raw material types or semi products. On other hand, the procurement and exporting system has not been paying attention enough to develop correspondingly.
As the result, the value of exported agricultural products of Vietnam is normally underestimated in the international markets because of low quality. The low margin of agriculture products, in turn, contributes to increase income gap between rural and urban area. Therefore, one of the key objectives of the Vietnamese Government is to develop systems for storage and processing of agricultural products, improving production and processing capacities, autonomy in purchasing and export of agricultural commodities with quality, contributing to improving Vietnam’s position on world agricultural markets.

 Executive summary  

Rationale of research

This research has been conducted to find out the way for capital estimates and analysis of estimates
Through frame work, the focus of evaluation is on financial problems analyze and change in actual cash flows and why these changes occur.
Objectives of study
To propose a solution through analysis, doing general feasibility study of project and analysis, evaluation of project cost changes.


The qualitative approach has been used to resolve issues during construction to achieve performance.
The process includes data collection, processing and data analysis. Considering mutual relationship inside and outside using standards, normative in accordance and propose solution.

Findings and conclusion

Investment project being important document for owner to assess investment decision, owner can see big picture of project.
However the important factor in investment project is construction cost, which always seen with bias. The feasibility study is always dependant on owner and consultant and project management methods so as to reduce risk in cost fluctuation. And owner can control cash flows.
 List of factors affecting investment project
  • Expertise and experience in project management of the Owner.
  • The financial capability of the Owner.
  • The professional ability and knowledge related to the field of investment consultancy and project design.
  • Ability to coordinate the implementation of tasks between the Owner and contractors design and consulting in the preparation period of investment.
  • Ability to coordinate between the Owners and construction contractors in the construction process.
  • The professionalism of the construction contractor.
  • Mechanisms and incentives to support investment in the locality.
The agricultural processing plant from initial stage to implementation is long process with constant change; thus success of project depends upon owner control on such movements and ensuring quality and time of investment.
During the project, the change in cost is often by different reasons, divided into four stages.
1.      The cost of construction in terms of rates of investment costs for Feasibility Study.
2.      The cost determined by the total estimated cost.
3.      The value determined by the construction contractor's proposal is approved.
4.      The actual value of the settlement package.
It is almost impossible to determine the final cost of each package at construction stage except package having fix-price, and change in cost can only be observed in above three steps.
For the changes in fourth stage that can determine final value,it is necessary to consider risk in construction process
·         Project area actually decreased compared to the record.
·         The detail design is inappropriate to the construction.
·         Price volatility of construction materials.
·         Difficult to find workers and construction equipment.
·         The impact of weather on the construction process.
·         Fluctuation of currency exchange rates.
The owner can have actively appropriate countermeasures, to minimize the negative impacts, including the choice of contractual form, in accordance, and contract with the consultant of supervisor, design consultants and contractors to strictly control the changes arising in the construction process. These are also the mission of Project Management.

Development of Quality Management System in Hospital Construction Project - A Case Study of the Projects Management Board of Investment and Construction of Thoi Lai Districts




The report raises important issues in quality management systems (QMS), it emphasizes the important factors for any organization that would grow and survive in the free trade market.

In which this study refers to the theory and the standard system, presents the concept of quality in construction, models of quality management systems in the organization, the requirements necessary for system quality management of the Owner in construction and its benefits. The research presented briefly the factors most affecting the quality of the project from the public report and the key points to control the quality of construction from design phase to construction phase. The report introduced a model of QMS for the construction company for the purpose based on the available model of quality control and edit the successful application of model quality management of the company to have is a project that really matter.

Report the results of a study, carried out to examine the basic factors affecting the quality of a construction project. It also aims to identify the factors showed a strong correlation to performance quality. The ultimate goal is to provide clients, project management, monitoring, consulting and contractor information can help them become more effective with their limited resources and achieve the ultimate goal better quality. 

Executive summary

Rationale of research

This research has been conducted to study quality issues in construction projects of Vietnam, in recent years quality of construction works marked as question in public as well as private projects.

Objectives of study

To propose recommendation for improvement in quality of construction by studying and analyzing  quality management systems and practices in construction projects, quality management system in development and implementation in hospital construction project.


In this research, case study approach has been used to focus on studying and analyzing different sources of data to develop a quality management model for owner
Exploratory research is used in reviewing the literature to develop a model for building construction projects in Vietnam.

Findings and conclusion

By observing case of hospital construction project based on  available data and observations it is very much clear that the responsibilities at each level are clearly defined. The overall management system of the project is clearly defined and managed, but still there are some problems in some areas which needed to examine.
The project staff needs to train and encouragement for quality of work, leadership and stability within organization.
Morale improvement of staff, customer focused and quality checks from start of conceptual design.


Need of a clear mechanism from project manager to improve quality in construction and to reduce risk of early quality.
·         Control measures must be designed from the product when completed.
·         To determine the quality control tasks from the beginning.
·         To select the contractor fully qualified and experienced.
·         Regular training and quality control training for staff.
Need of developing evaluation system from owner side, which will collect and store updated data the contractors completed projects. The evaluation system clearly defines the method of assessment.
·         Develop a quality benchmarking assessment skills of construction contractors, materials and equipment during construction.
·         Establishing a benchmark for assessing the safety and sustainability of the project.
·        Establishing a benchmark for assessing the response of work with the regulations on construction rules and technical standards may be applied to build the project.
·         Establishing a benchmark assessment of the art construction.
·      As a basis for evaluating and scoring capabilities businesses such as contractors involved in tendering for   other projects.
·         As a basis, the documentation for quality control of a new work.
·       Making facilities and materials for the workshop on improving quality control in order to draw experiences for subsequent work.



Le Thanh Phieu


The thesis shows the key issues in Quality Management System (QMS) considered as the essential factor for any organization that wants to develop and survive in the free trade market.
This thesis reviews the theory about quality management and its importance in construction project. In fact, this theory shows the important role, requirements and benefits of applying o construction quality management. The thesis briefs the factors that most effect to project quality and the key points to control project quality from the design to construction stage. The thesis has introduced a QMS to the construction contractor and the investors that they really need to be familiar with at present.
The other part of this thesis is the case study on Residential Area for CanTho University Students where the quality management system is applied. During this project, the system is well applied leading to great achievements despite some unexpected problems. Through this research, there are several good lessons that the parties related to the project should realize and study. They should have owned a quality management system, well-trained staff and disciplined top executive managers looking for high quality.


Executive summary  

Rationale of research
This research has been conducted to propose suitable solution to quality management system by undergoing into case study of Can Tho University student residential area.
This research is also important to study quality management systems and its application in government projects in Vietnam.
Objectives of study
To propose recommendation by studying quality management system and practices in building construction projects, analyzing quality management practices in Can Tho University students residential project.

In order to conduct research there is immense need of a frame work, which will describe how research will be conducted.

In this research case study approach has been used to focus on studying and analyzing different sources of data; i-e project documents, news papers, local construction law and standards etc.

The research design is based on single-case and single unit of analysis, exploratory research is used in reviewing the literature to develop a frame work for building construction projects in Vietnam.

Findings and conclusion

There are some puzzlement regarding understanding the philosophy of QMS by the project managers and it is not yet established to work in construction industry .it may be difficult to implement QMS by the contractors because they more focused on profit generation. Initial cost of QMS is considered to be high; there might be offsets in decline of quality and it not practicable for small firms.
It might be more difficult to put into operation onsite due to resistance from other parties than to implement in an organization, employees can also resist in implementation of QMS that will turn into the education more difficult.
Based on this study the  project of  residential area for Can Tho University students, the theory of quality management is well analyzed and applied to meet the high quality requirements of investors.
The project is role model for future projects of CTU for getting high quality projects.QMS provides a base for getting quality construction through procedures and practices to satisfy customer needs and business performance in industry.


o   Need of speedy financing for the project, which can save time.
o   Need to provide updated QMS to contractor prior to construction to avoid quality risks.
o   Need of QMS to be applied according to regulations and requirements of standard construction.
o   Need of project staff to be trained for internal quality audit procedure to ensure quality construction.