The companies have implemented a lot of safety programs in construction site to reduce the accident rate in the construction industry. Also, they want to increase productivity of their work. However, the safety programs might have influences to worker positively and negatively. The companies must be alarmed and take extra care in these both effects of safety programs.
Although there are many researchers conducted study related to safety programs, still the problem now is that, companies do not know how to develop workers’ attitude. Therefore, companies cannot implement safety programs to make safety attitude and behavior for workers in construction site.
Mr. Thanaporn Buaklom made a research which aimed to determine the worker’s attitude constructs and model in Oil and Gas industry. To accomplish this primary objective, three specific objectives were also needed as follows:
• To develop safety attitude constructs and model.
• To study the implementation level of safety program in Oil and Gas industry.
• To determine the correlation between safety program and worker attitude.
The effect of difference worker attitude base on Age and Experiences to worker attitude
As the result of this study, age and experience were analyzed to determine their different effects to safety worker attitude. Normally, the age and experience have effect to the worker attitude. However, in the Oil and Gas projects, they play more attention in safety occupation. Thus, the safety attitude was established at the beginning stage of work, and it was found out that the age and experience have no influence to the worker attitude. In conclusion, the age and experiences of worker have no effect to worker attitude in Oil and Gas projects.
Development of worker attitude constructs and model
There are six factors for worker attitude constructs found. The worker attitude was established from the environmental impact such as worker experience, company support, and personal perception and so on. Therefore, to develop the worker attitude, the important factors have to consider. In addition, this study found the factors that construct the worker attitude. If the companies try to improve worker attitude, they have to improve these factors such as Personal motivation for safe behavior; Personal effectiveness; Positive safety practice; External motivation; Cognitive; and Belief
These factors present the element to improve worker attitude in construction work. The personal motivation for safe behavior is the most effective to worker attitude, because this factor is influenced by the company’s motivation to do their work safely. In addition, the worker can improve their behavior following these factors. Moreover, each factor can represent some element as shown in the table below.

The implementation level of safety programs in Oil and Gas industry
This objective measured the implementation level of safety program. To achieve this objective, this study distributed questionnaire to safety managers, and conducted an interview to know how they implement the safety programs in their company. Moreover, the data was ranked by the implementation of safety programs. The result is shown in the table below.
The meanings of range are:
Ranges Level of implementation
1.00-1.50 Poor level
1.51-2.50 Fair level
2.51-3.50 Good level
3.51-4.00 Excellent level
The meaning of ranges explained about implementation level as elaborated in the previous chapter.

As the result of this study, there are two safety programs which were most implemented 1) In house safety rule 2) Personnel Protection Equipment. These two safety programs are provided for carefully preventing the accident with worker. These are proactive safety programs, which implement before the accident occurred. The reasons for implementing these programs are to easily supervise the worker. Therefore, the safety managers prefer to implement these two programs. Thus, these programs are highest implementation level in oil and Gas industry.
On the other hand, the behavior base safety program has the lowest level of implementation because this program builds for change the risk behavior of worker. For example, the worker is risk taker, who want to work with risk behavior, behavior base safety program are provided to change the behavior of worker; to work safely which is difficult to change. Therefore, this safety program has a lowest level implementation.
As the result of this study, the implementation level of safety programs show the capability of company to implement the safety programs in their company. Each company has different approach to implement safety programs. Some company want to emphasize on management programs, thus, the company will provide more special safety programs. Especially in Oil and Gas industry, they have more safety programs to implement in their work places. Therefore the implementation level of safety program tends to have high implementation level.
The Regression model between safety programs and worker attitude
This research used multiple regression method to find the correlation between safety programs and worker attitude. The data was collected from safety managers and workers in Oil and Gas industry.
The result showed that, there are no significant relationship between safety programs and worker attitude. The model summary of multiple regressions show R square equals .083 which means safety programs has correlation to worker attitude only by 8.3% Consequently, the correlation among safety programs and safety attitude is very low.
The main reason that makes this situation occurred is the assessment of safety program which cannot use to predict the relationship between safety programs and worker attitude in Oil and Gas project. Moreover, there are many factors which affects to worker attitude as cognitive and personal perception. Thus, the safety program cannot signify which safety programs have direct influence to worker attitude.
On the contrary, the safety programs have impact to worker attitude in term of indirect way to worker. This effect encouraged the worker to work safely in the site. This effect is shown by the average that worker attitude is high. This means that the worker attitude have effect from safety programs.
The correlation between organization and worker attitude
These analyses determined the correlation between organization and worker attitude in the company. The relationship between organization factor and worker attitude is the effect of organization to safety attitude. Normally, the organization factors have influences to company employee. In this study, the researcher focused on the influence of organization to worker attitude.
To achieve the objective, which organization factors were implemented in the company, safety managers were interviewed, and the worker attitude comes from the factors analysis.
The result showed that there is a little correlation occurred between personal effectiveness of worker and organization structure, leadership, management style, communication, job responsibility, training and trust. The result explained that the relationship among organization factors and worker attitude is in term of personal effectiveness.
Conclusion, the personal effectiveness is sensitive with the organization factors. There is a small correlation between personal effectiveness and organization factors; while it is evident the other organization factors have no relationship with factor of worker safety attitude.
His thesis abstract is copied and posted below.
The construction industry started to boom recently. The construction works have greatly impact in developing the economy particularly in Thailand. Many infrastructures have been built and many investors have been encouraged to bring their business in the country. Many new technologies have been used to upgrade the construction process, but despite of this new knowledge, problems keep on arising at different level in any construction site. Therefore, this research was conducted to study about safety in construction work which is specifically related to safety attitude of worker.
Moreover, the safety programs in construction works were also studied. There were three objectives in this study such as follow:
(1) to develop worker attitude construct and model;
(2) to study the implementation level of safety programs in Oil and Gas industry; and
(3) to determine the correlation between safety programs and worker attitude.
In order to carry out the research objectives, the author collected data from workers and safety managers by using questionnaire. These data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. In addition, the safety managers were interviewed to understand more the safety occupation they applied in their companies.
As the result of this study, the worker safety attitude construct was found having six factors. These are personal motivation for behavior, personal effectiveness, positive safety practice, external motivation, cognitive and belief. These factors represent the worker attitude, which the company can apply to develop more the worker attitude.
For the implementation level of safety programs, the result of this study shown that the safety programs were more implemented in the work place. It was also found out that among the safety programs which implemented; in-house safety rules and personal protection Equipment have the highest levels.. In the contrary, behavior base safety has the lowest level of safety programs implementation.
The correlation study between safety programs and worker attitude revealed that these two have no correlation at all. These can explain that the safety program have indirect impact to worker attitude. Moreover, there are many factors which affect the worker attitude. Thus the safety programs are not the only possible reasons having direct impact to worker attitude. iv
In conclusion, this study suggests to policy implementers, construction firms and to the reader to develop factors for worker attitude too. The implementation levels of safety program are shown. Therefore, this research can be of great help to the construction industry to develop safety occupation in the future.
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Work Safety Equipment
It's definitely better to err on the side of caution when it comes to construction site safety measures.
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